Hey guys,
I know I've been pretty absent on my blog and on YouTube in recent months. So much has been going on. Work was insane with the Easter holiday. Winter just never seemed to end so my arthritis symptoms were going crazy and sending me into an everything slump. I'm slowly moving in with my boyfriend so it's awkward to film unless no one is home and I'm still not connected to his Wi-Fi so I can't upload videos until I get back to my parents' or go to Starbucks. I was frustrated with my lack of a book cover pushing my anticipated release of my novella back and back and back! And, I've been blocked.
But all that is about to change!!!
The weather is getting nicer and warmer. Although still rainy but, hey, there's some progress. I've got a few more weeks until the bathroom renovation is done and then I can officially finish moving and be connected to Internet. (I've bought books in recent months that I want to show off in a video) And, one of my friends who is a really talented artist is going to help with my book cover TOMORROW! So, I'll be able to better judge a time frame for a real release date! And, I just bought 4 prompt books that I've been going through and getting lots of ideas for short stories and blog posts so I think I'll set myself up with another month long blog challenge.
I don't think I'll do it for May. I've got a lot going on throughout the month. My dad just got a new Church assignment so his first Mass is this Saturday. My niece is making her first Communion Sunday. A guy my sis and I went to school with is being ordained as a priest. I'm a sponsor/mentor for a woman at Church making her Confirmation. I'm on vacation the week of my birthday so that might be moving week or, if not, finally finishing my sequel outline. (Another reason why I bought prompt books. I'm having a hard time with this next story.) But, I will try to be more active in the blogging at least. And, I might put together a short story collection if I get enough ideas and like what I come up with. With over 3000 prompts in these books, I better come up with something or I'm in trouble!
So, that's what's been going on with me. I'm going to get some rest (aka watch YouTube) and get lots of writing done tomorrow. More updates to come! Byye!
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