Monday, May 26, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

Tired and sunburned after a beautiful day.

But let us not forget the true meaning of Memorial Day. While all the cookouts and parties and parades are great, we must take the time to honor the men and women who have made our right to have those days and so many more possible. To live in a country with the freedom we have that we so often take for granted. To say what we feel. To pray (or not to) how we like or believe. To follow our passion no matter the obstacles. To love who we want regardless of race, gender, orientation, or faith.

I am proud to say I have a number of former service members in my family and circle of friends. Both still on this Earth and long gone to God. I am thankful every day for what they went through. Even when I don't always show it. Even when I don't know the full extent because some stories are too painful to be shared.

Say a prayer for those who are still fighting and for those who will never be able to come home because they made the ultimate sacrifice.

Happy Memorial Day and God bless America!

We remember. We pray.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

So, this is 30, huh?

More than halfway through my day and I am so happy. All the love I've been receiving from friends and family on social media and texts have just made me smile more and more.

I've had my ups and downs the past years of my life. Friends have moved to the other end of the country. Family members have passed away. I've been bullied and broken hearted. But I've also reunited with friends who have moved, watched family grow up, stood at friends' weddings, learned to stand up for myself, found my life passion and started working to make it a career, and found the ability to love again.

So, here's to more memories, more stories, and more ups than downs in the coming years. And I look forward to sharing them with my readers here. Thank you all.


Monday, May 19, 2014

Last Day

Well, it's here. Tomorrow I begin a new decade and a new chapter in life. I thought it funny and appropriate that I heard Tim McGraw's "My Next 30 Years" on the radio on the ride home from work today.

As a little celebratory treat, I picked up a bottle of wine for tonight and one for family dinner tomorrow. I have until 1:00 to figure out what I want to eat. May be doing some Pinterest browsing for something exciting.

But the song got me thinking. How do I want to spend my next 30 years. So I came up with a kind of resolution list. No particular order.

1) Stick up for myself more- I'm normally a quiet person and when someone gives me a hard time I tend to keep it in so not to cause drama. Well, some people take silence for weakness. Not any more. When something is bothering me I need to learn to speak out and let whoever know otherwise I'll be doormat girl my whole life.

2) Travel more- This is both going places I've never been and returning to places I've seen and loved. I want to see the world and experience different cultures and learn more history. It'll help me learn and grow and it's inspiration for my writing.

3) Get published! That will hopefully start at the end of the year with my first novel with many more to come in the future. Really excited to see what happens with that.

4) Move- I don't like to say I write for the money because I don't. But I do hope that my book sales will provide me with enough so I am able to get my own place. A small apartment somewhere is fine by me, even.

5) New car- I like my car and can probably squeeze another couple thousand miles out of it. But I think it will be time for something new in the next few years. It'd be nice to have a MP3 hook up and all the cool stuff that became standard on cars the year after mine. I've always wanted a truck, actually. Not a big super cab gas guzzler. But something I'm comfortable driving in the snow here without worrying I'm going to die. And I can take on road trips.

6) Try new things whenever possible- Whether that's going to a new city or sampling a new food or even something like reading an unfamiliar author. Life is too short not to try and have as many experiences as you possibly can.

7) Value friends and family more- Over recent weeks, some family members have had some major medical issues and it's made me see how fragile life can be and how you never know what could happen in the blink of an eye. So I need to learn to say "I love you" more and make more of an effort to spend time with the people closest to me. No matter how much work I have or how tired I may be. Sometimes you have to suck it up and make the effort because it could be your last chance.

8) Celebrate! I learned this a few years ago when a close friend was battling cancer. They didn't know what the outcome would be and she was only 2 years older than me. Happy to say that she is 7 years cancer free. But she drove me crazy because when she turned 30, she was moping about all the things she hadn't done yet. Not married, no kids, and the list went on. I told her "You survived cancer! Take a trip. Go dancing! Just thank God for every day you can wake up and see the sun shine!" When I started having my issues with Rheumatoid Arthritis, I was upset but I knew I couldn't park myself on the couch and have a pity party. I had to drag my bucket out of bed regardless of the pain I was in and go to work or do my laundry. I made the most of my good days, which are becoming more frequent now that I am receiving proper medical care. And I push through the bad as best I can.

That's my list. Odd to stop at 8, I know but the wine is getting to my head and I can't think. Just want to sleep now.

Have a great night, everyone!


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Final Week

Well, here it is. I am in the final week of my 20s. I can hardly believe it sometimes. Where did the past near 3 decades of my life go?

At the same time I'm freaking out, I am also excited. Another chapter in my life is about to begin and I have no idea what is going to happen. I am nearing the completion of my first draft of my novel and am planning on having it published by the end of the year. I am in a relationship with a wonderful man, even if he does drive me bonkers at times, and we'll be together for one year this summer. I've been learning how to cook. I want to travel a lot more once I fix my car. My sister and I are making concert plans.

We'll see what the next ten years have in store. I'm off to work on my draft. About 2/3 done.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ode to My Grandmothers

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
That is what they say.
But with you gone, my heart is sadder
With every passing day.
I think of the good times we had.
And, also, those that were sad.
You always had a kind word,
When I was in despair.
Always optimistic, you made me smile.
You always said you'd be around for a long long while.
But God, I fear, had other plans
And did not let you stay.
He couldn't bear to see you ill.
So, he took you away.
Your memory still burns strong,
Like an inferno in my heart.
And I think of how I love you,
Even though we are apart.
And though I want to cry,
When I think of you not seen...

I know that you smile on me,
With your silver angel wings.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Hi everyone,
Wow, it's been a while. Sorry. But I'm on vacation from Day Job so I'll be doing lots of writing.

But today I wanted to tell you about the most influential and important woman in my life. In honor of Mother's Day.

My wonderful mom. My best friend, shoulder to cry on, confidante, and hero. She, and Dad, have sacrificed so much for me and my sister. She's held us when we scraped our knees or broke up with boyfriends. She sewed Halloween and play costumes. We've driven her crazy. We've made her laugh. My sister and I would fight like cats when we were little. Complete with hair pulling. Occasionally there was bloodshed. (I got knocked into a nightstand and cut my back on a sharp corner. Still got the scar.) And an odd trip to the ER while playing in the yard. (Line drive to the head 3 days before my 18th birthday) And who knows what else life has in store but no matter what, I know I can count on Mom to support me.

So, today, give your mom an extra hug and kiss. If you live far away, call her. (Actually call and have a conversation. Skype works, too.) If your mom is no longer alive, say a prayer of thanks, pull out the old photo album or scrapbook and reminisce about the good times.

Love you, Mama. Thank you for everything.