Saturday, October 29, 2016

NaNoWriMo 2016

I'm doing NaNoWriMo this year again! I am so excited about it. I'm going to be getting ready for the kick-off party for my region when I finish this post.

My project this year will be, at least, book 3 for my "Witches of Coolersville" series. I'm struggling to outline so I'm going to try and get as much out as possible and then revise like crazy. And, I'd also like to get the 4th book started. If I can at least use these 2 projects to meet the word count, that will count as something. And then, I can focus on finishing the story and then I just have to focus on editing over the coming year. I think that will be easier to work on while wedding planning in 2017.

Check out my YouTube channel. I'll be putting up videos throughout the month and then I'll have a special video in early December.

That's all for now. Bye!