Friday, May 29, 2015

June Writing Challenge

I've been going through prompts I've collected, either in books or online, and created another 30 day challenge for myself. Every day in the month of June, I will post a blog based on the chosen topic of the day. I like doing these challenges. They keep my mind going so I can work on other projects. This will also get me in a better habit of writing for Camp NaNoWriMo in July. I can work on my sequel then. Working on the outline now.

Most of these will be pretty brief, depending on the topic.

Just giving you all a heads up! Thanks so much for reading.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"Witches of Coolersville" Cover Progress

Hi, everyone!
Just wanted to fill you in on my book progress.Started getting together with an artist friend of mine and we were working on ideas for my book cover, at long last. I had mentioned before that my sister was going to do it for me but, as can happen, life got in the way and she has a few bigger priorities to focus on right now. So, my friend offered to give me a hand. We spent a good 2-3 hours playing with fonts and colors. I am happy to reveal the background image. I created it myself before the whole RansomWare incident and, fortunately, it was backed up so I didn't lose it when I had to wipe my hard drive.

And so...

Here it is...


This is exciting!

Wait for it!




Ta daaa!
Yup! This is it! This is the background of my cover. Cool, huh? This represents a dream scene my main character has early on in the story. The photograph is mine. It was taken at a friend's house when she was having a party and a big bonfire in her backyard.

Now, we are still playing around with ideas. (And, currently, our work is on hold because my friend needs some new parts for her computer and I do not have Adobe Illustrator to continue working on my own) So, if anyone has any suggestions to help us along, that would be great. Maybe font type? I did end up selecting a few that I liked but I'm open to other options. Colors- Right now we're thinking green and black in some form. Should I tone down the opacity of the image itself? Maybe to make the title stand out.

I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos on covers for self-published authors. (Helps that I was sick for 3 days and had little strength to do much else but watch YouTube. Stupid bronchitis and allergies.) And, I've been making notes on what they suggest. But, since you are (hopefully) my future audience, your opinion is greatly appreciated.

What do you like in a cover? What books do you have in your collection that stand out? Even, which did you buy only because it had an awesome cover? Also, since this is the first in a series, what can I do to have once element that brings the series together. Even if the image is different, what's the defining characteristic that would make you say, "Oh, yeah, that's a "Witches of Coolersville" novel. That's a good series. I'm going to get the next installment."?

If all goes well, I should have a finished cover ready to upload in, at most, a matter of weeks. By the time I get a proof to review, and make the necessary arrangements, I am now thinking an August release date. Possibly mid-August since that is my second vacation from my day job and I can focus on release events. I'll be getting in contact with a local book store soon to see what I have to do to set up a release party or a signing event. I'm looking at attending an arts festival in my hometown late summer/early fall. So much to think about!

I'm so sorry this keeps getting pushed back and back. But, now, things are on track once more for publication and I'll be able to share my story with all of you.

Thanks so much for sticking with me all this time. And, I'll keep you updated on what's to come.
