Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2015 In Review

Well, I meant to do this as a video but then I went to the Browns game on Sunday and screamed for 4 hours in 30 degree wind and snow and woke up Monday with no voice. So, no filming until I'm over this. What a way to start the new year, huh? But, I have a big mug of tea with about 6 tablespoons of sugar in front of me as I write this and Backstreet Boys on my Pandora station. That instantly made my night 200% better.

Looking back on 2015, one thing I can say is "Where the hell did it go?" Just like I thought this time in 2014. Time just got away from me... again.

Rather than focus on what I didn't get done, I'll talk about what did happen that I am so happy about.
1) My sister got engaged! My little sis isn't so little anymore. She got engaged to her wonderful guy and in October of this year they will be married. They've been together for several years and they make such a great couple. I couldn't have asked for anyone better to make my sister so happy.
2) I moved out! Yep, 31 years old and I finally moved out of Mom and Dad's over the spring/summer. I live with my boyfriend and his brother. The house isn't big but it's enough for the 3 of us. It's been an adjustment for all of us. I have to watch and keep all my "girly stuff" contained. The basement bathroom is mine for makeup and other personal items. I also have to warn the guys when I leave stuff in the washer or dryer.
3) I found my "lost novel" from NaNo 2013 and rewrote it during NaNo 2015. I've still got a lot to go but it's coming along really well and I'm excited to keep going with it. Right now I'm doing a quick reformatting and revision of "Witches of Coolersville" so I can publish that this year.
4) Returned to ComicCon in Columbus. This time Joe and I went with my best friend and her husband. It was so much fun. Robin and I cosplayed this year! I was the 11th Doctor and she was a Shield Agent. I got an autograph from Jason David Frank and even got a photo with him! I was disappointed he wasn't in his Green Ranger costume because that would have been awesome with my cosplay. Living Fan Fiction! *ponders Doctor Who/MMPR fanfic*
5) I filmed a few great videos this year, including 2 with my friend Lisa. We're definitely going to work on more this year.

So, what do I have to look forward to in 2016?

Well, I'll start with my resolution to be healthier. I received a crockpot for Christmas so I've been looking up recipes. I'm also going to get a Planet Fitness membership so I can work out more. I'll probably do that in the next couple weeks. I want to lose at least a size before my sister's wedding and be in shape to dance the night away and not have to lay in bed the next day in pain like when I went to my sister's friend's wedding in July. I'll talk more about that in my RA blog.

End of February is Cleveland ComicCon. Joe and I are planning to go because Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are supposed to be there! *fangirl squeal* I'm going to be very stingy over the next couple months so I can go and afford autographs and photo ops because they're going to be ridiculously expensive. With the exception of getting the 11 dress from Torrid because it is freaking adorable and I want to wear it to the convention! I just hope the weather is okay. Last year was one of the worst snow days of the year. I'm also trying to talk a few friends into going along who are fellow geeks and Whovians. I think they would enjoy themselves.

If I get the week of my birthday off in May, Joe and I are talking about traveling to Cincinnati for a few days. He wants to show me the University where he went to school and we might go see the Indians play the Reds. I've never been to Cincinnati before so it'll be a fun new experience. My sister has been there several times because one of her best friends lives there. So, I think this will be a great trip.

Columbus ComicCon has been moved to July, instead of the fall. I think we're just going to go for a day this year. Going for the weekend has been too much in energy and cost the past couple years. As fun as it is, sometimes you have to step back and do the responsible adult thing.

I've been helping with my sister's wedding plans. We've got her bridal shower in August and the wedding in October! I can't believe she's getting married! I'm still on the hunt for a bridesmaid dress. I'll see what they have available when prom dresses start to go on sale. Hopefully I can find something a little cheaper.

I'm off to take care of this cough and recover my voice. Wishing everyone a healthy, happy new year.


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