Finished the edits on my second dtaft! Now all I have to do is get it all in the computer. I'll work on that this week. If I don't get anymore Beta readers, I'll do one more draft and then send it off to the editor. I've had 6 people read my manuscript. I'll give it a few more weeks and then start working with the editor.
And, OMG, I'm going to need an editor. I'm catching the most stupid typos. Switched letters in a word. Whole sentences that I can tell I wrote at 2 a.m. because they make no sense whatsoever! And, I know I'm missing more. As I go through and I realize people are reading it, the self doubt is creeping up on me! I didn't have this with my first one! Now, I guess, the pressure is increased because it's a sequel? It's been insane. I read and go over the draft and just cringe. And, the plot holes. OH, THE PLOT HOLES!
The goal of this draft is to beef it up a little more. I'm getting ideas for further on in the series and I want to set some of it up in this book. Whether it's the next book or 6 down the line.
I have to get some food because I have to work today. But, I'm off tomorrow so lots of writing!