Saturday, August 27, 2016

Book 2 Update 8-27-16

Finished the edits on my second dtaft! Now all I have to do is get it all in the computer. I'll work on that this week. If I don't get anymore Beta readers, I'll do one more draft and then send it off to the editor. I've had 6 people read my manuscript. I'll give it a few more weeks and then start working with the editor.

And, OMG, I'm going to need an editor. I'm catching the most stupid typos. Switched letters in a word. Whole sentences that I can tell I wrote at 2 a.m. because they make no sense whatsoever! And, I know I'm missing more. As I go through and I realize people are reading it, the self doubt is creeping up on me! I didn't have this with my first one! Now, I guess, the pressure is increased because it's a sequel? It's been insane. I read and go over the draft and just cringe. And, the plot holes. OH, THE PLOT HOLES!

The goal of this draft is to beef it up a little more. I'm getting ideas for further on in the series and I want to set some of it up in this book. Whether it's the next book or 6 down the line.

I have to get some food because I have to work today. But, I'm off tomorrow so lots of writing!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Book 2 Update

Hi everyone!

Just wanted to post a quick update on how my Witches of Coolersville sequel is coming along. I'm editing the second draft with some Beta Feedback and looking for more to help me out. (See prior post for all the requirements) I'm also going to check out the NaNoWriMo forums to see if anyone would be interested.

I'm on vacation this week from my day job so I'll be able to do a LOT more work. I've also been reading more craft books and marketing books to continue to get the word out about my book. That's been a big help and I'm excited to start implementing some of the ideas I read about.

One thing I'm planning on is a guest blog post with my friend, Sandy. She's been working with a small press for her debut novel we're going to post on each others' blogs, not only to talk about our books but to share our different experiences in publishing. She said she's got another round of editing this week and then she should know a release date shortly after that.

Sandy is a lovely lady. We met through a pen-pal forum on the NaNoWriMo website. She's been my critique partner for both books. She sent me a draft of her book but that was right around when my computer decided to die on me so I couldn't read it. I'm so excited that she's been able to find a publisher.

I'll have more updates as the time gets closer.


Monday, August 1, 2016

Beta Reader Requirements

Hi all!

A while back, I announced that I was looking for another round of Beta Readers for my second book in the Witches of Coolersville series. If you're interested, check out the list of requirements below and then send me an email.

1) Readers must be 16 or older- My book is "New Adult" which means my main characters are over 18 years old and in college. There is also violence and swearing throughout the book, more-so than the first one so I figured 16 would be a good minimum age. Guys as well as girls are welcome.

2) Must be willing to answer a lot of questions- Remember all those reading assignments you used to do in school? This is kinda like that, except actually fun! In order to get the proper feedback to improve my manuscript I have questions at the start and end of the book as well as after every single chapter.

3) When answering these questions, please be honest and thorough- Be as honest as you can. I know the easy thing to do would be nice but think of it this way. If you tell me now what I need to fix, I won’t get burned by reviewers when my book is published. And, it’ll help my book sell better once it is published.

4) It’s a second draft- I did some editing but the story has yet to be professionally edited to weed out the big mistakes. There will probably be some errors in grammar and spelling that I missed. Please ignore for now. Your feedback is content-related only. I’ll fix everything in another round of editing along with the professional.

5) If you see a question and your initial thought is I have no idea what to write, tell me- It’s okay not to have an opinion or just say “I don’t know.” Depending on the question being asked, it helps me as a writer to see where things fall flat or fail to make a solid impression. I understand the questions are repetitive so if there's nothing to add, let me know. Also, let me know if something does fall flat for you. A character doesn't connect, a part is boring or confusing. I still have time to fix these things.

6) When possible, give as much detail as you can- That’s what’s nice about this format. You have unlimited space to tell me right in the document. If you have any observations outside the questions given, feel free to tell me! All feedback is useful.

7) Be as timely as possible- I know everyone has busy lives. Work, family, school, etc. So, don’t feel like you need to get this back next week. But, I do want to get this to my editor soon, so don’t take 5 years to read it either. I'd like all feedback emailed back to me by October 1.

8) Please don’t steal my book. Also, please don’t share with anyone without my permission.

9) Triggers- A few things I should warn you about. There is swearing and violence in this book. There is mention of emotional abuse in a relationship as well as physical assault and underage drinking. I tried to keep it mild but if any of this is going to make you uncomfortable, apply to beta read.

Thanks! Hope to hear from you all soon!

Read book 1 first 3 chapters on my web site
Buy it on Amazon
Buy it on my Etsy shop