Okay, so I've been hearing all this controversy and uproar about the upcoming live action Beauty and the Beast movie. Comes out March 17. I, personally, am thrilled about it. The trailers look SO good. Emma Watson is the perfect Belle. But, let's get all up in arms because a minor character with maybe 10 minutes of screen time is gay.
Well, I'm about to unleash a rant of my own. Does it really have this much impact? LeFou will get 10 minutes screen time. This "gay moment" will maybe be him pining over Gaston. Someone on a YouTube video comment even said it is rumored to be 4 seconds of him dancing with another man. Really? So, I'm going to guess that every time I danced with my girl friends at a wedding or a party, we were making everyone around us gay? But, whatever it is, it won't be overly sexual because it is Disney. I highly doubt there will be a make-out scene or anything. Maybe they'll show him grieving over Gaston's end. (spoiler alert if you live on Pluto and never saw the animated original- Gaston dies in the end) And, yes, LeFou is the bumbling moron sidekick of the villain. Not the best representation. But, it's a start.
If a kid asks a question, don't have to go into a huge dissertation. Just say some boys like boys and girls like girls. Dunno why. That's just how God made them. Usually an acceptable answer. It's not some big gay agenda. It's a reflection of the world and all its beautiful diversity. You going to boycott Aladdin if they do a live version because the characters are Arab? ...wait, these people probably are.
And, I know what some people are thinking reading this. "You're a straight woman. How do you know the experiences of gay teens?" Yes, I am. But, I have friends in the LGBT community and they've told me of what they've gone through and dealt with at school, church, and from their own families. I watch the news and hear about the teens committing suicide because they feel they have no one to turn to for help and understanding. I see the stories about parents disowning their children, forcing them to go through horrid medical tortures to "remove the gay." It's disgusting.
If you truly want to "Make America Great Again" as Mr. 45 constantly claims, we need to remember that this country is a melting pot. People from all over the world, all different faiths, races, orientations, make up who we are as a nation. What message does it send to young people who are struggling to know who they are if they see hate? Not just from what they see online and in the media, but in their own homes? There are kids out there, if they aren't already, will struggle and question their sexuallity. And it's people's ignorance that contribute to the bullying and suicide rates among LGBT teens. They're raised to believe that the way they are is wrong and evil and something that should be ripped out of them.
I'm going to see Beauty and the Beast. Probably going to have a date night with my honey and go see it. I'll write up a review and let you know this whole issue is just ridiculous.