I keep getting people asking me about my political opinions, especially with this new "so called" healthcare bill now making its way to the Senate. I made a promise that I would not talk about politics on my public platform. But, this once, I need to speak out. I'm going to tell you exactly what I think on various issues and then I will refrain from comment any further, except on my private social media.
I am a liberal-leaning Independent. I refuse to declare a party because I feel both sides have a lot of issues they need to figure out and the leadership has been less than impressive to say the least.
I understand we have a Constitutional right to gun ownership. I also believe, however, that there should be background checks and education about proper use. Parents should teach children that guns are not toys. They can do real harm. If you're going to take your kid to the shooting range, go for it. But, at home, keep the guns under lock and key and then hide the key. Or, make it so you can only access it with your fingerprint. SOMETHING so they don't get it and accidentally use it to hurt themselves or someone else. If you have a violent criminal record, your right to own a gun is thus forfeit. And, if you obtain one illegally, your ass goes back to jail.
I am anti-abortion. HOWEVER, I understand that there are medical situations in which you must choose between the mother's life and the child's. If there are complications in the pregnancy, and the doctor says there is a 95% chance the mother will die if something isn't done and the child will die no matter what, what would you do? I know this is a gut-wrenching decision and I pray no one ever has to go through that. But, it's a reality for some people out there. Not all women who get abortions do it because they're careless about their sex lives. It's not a clear cut issue and anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves.
I believe in religious freedom for ALL. Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Pagan, whatever. The early colonies were founded to escape religious persecution. If we took the time to educate ourselves on other faiths, we would learn to appreciate how beautiful they all are.
I am anti-wall. The United States is a nation of immigrants, from our earliest colonists to people today seeking a new life. If you don't want people coming in illegally, maybe give incentive to come in through the front door instead of sneaking in the window. Offer assistance for new people. English classes, job skill development, money management. Basic community college? Also, make it so they can't live off the system forever. Incentive to get a job.
I am pro-real affordable healthcare. 3 years ago, I had a severe health issue. I was hospitalized for 4 days and had to have 2 surgeries. Nearly ended up back in the hospital when I received my bill of $90,000!! How can anyone pay for that? Fortunately, insurance through work covered a majority but I'm still paying for an amount that equals more than my annual income. One of my medications, if I didn't have insurance, would be almost $5000/month! Do you know what I make as a grocery store cashier? About $850/month. Yet, this medicine helps keep my rheumatoid arthritis at bay so I can try and live a normal life. If I couldn't afford it, I'd be in pain all the time, lose my job, and then where would I be? We need a better system and what recently passed in our House of Representatives isn't the answer. It's the farthest thing from it.
Our education system needs to be improved. Better resources for teachers, that doesn't come from out of their pockets. Especially for mentally and physically disabled children. Increased awareness about the severe problem of bullying among our children. This is on the part of the parents, as well. Stop letting your kid act like a nasty little piece of shiz, making someone else's life miserable. Do you know the reason for many of the school shootings caused by students? Bullying. They were tormented every day, felt they had no support at school or at home, and in desperation, took a gun to school to seek revenge and end their misery.
And, last but not least, I am pro-LGBT. Same sex couples should marry. Gay people are born the way they are. It can't be "fixed." There is nothing wrong with them. They are just attracted to people in a different way than you are. It's not the work of the devil. They are in God's image like everyone else. People shouldn't be worried about the genitals of the person in the bathroom stall next to them. Transgender people are not perverts. Stop focusing on other people and worry about yourself.
I could go on but I have to actually work on my book before I have to go to day job. So, there you have it. A highlight of my political views. I'll shut up now.
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