Saturday, September 10, 2016

September 10 Update

I’m so behind! *sob* If I wasn’t in pain all the time, I’d have book 2 edited, retyped, and sent off to the editor and book 3 at least mostly outlined and maybe partly written. But, nope. Pain and exhaustion was making it next to impossible to keep up with my writing. My alarm goes off at 5 a.m. and I glare at it for about 3 minutes before shutting it off and going back to bed for a few more hours and I’m still exhausted.

But, I have to get going on this. So, I’m laying out my goals to the end of the month. Starting today, I’m just diving into writing the third book. I’ll just word vomit and then worry about editing it later. It’s how I wrote a majority of book 1 anyway so it does, sometimes, work. I’ve tried to plan it out a few times but every time I’ve made the storyline insanely and unnecessarily complicated and that makes the writing part really hard because I look at my notes and think “What the hell kind of drugs am I on?”

So, this week, since I don’t have that many day job hours, I’m going to focus on word vomiting book 3 as much as I can. If I can get an average of 1500 words a day, or at least a chapter, I can get a majority of the story done before the end of the month. The main goal for this is to get this idea out of my head before I go back and edit book 2. Because the ideas for future books are distracting me and I have to get it out of my head. I think retyping book 2 will be a relatively quick process I can work on in October and send it off to the editor at last.

I’m also looking into saving for a professional cover design service I saw on another writer’s vlog. If I can redo the cover for book 1 and then have a fancy-dancy matching cover for book 2 and beyond, I’ll be very happy. I’m sure I’m not the only one who shares this opinion. I like when series covers coordinate. If nothing else, it looks pretty on the shelf.

So, since it’s September 9, and I’m almost done with chapter 1, I should be at chapter 21 by the end of the month. Which, if I follow the trend of my other books, it would be an almost complete manuscript. Now, I could do 2 or 3 chapters on off days. So, I may finish this very, very rough draft this month. I plan on taking the first weekend of October of because I will be busy celebrating my sister getting married to her long-time honey. Once all the lovey-dovey happiness and celebrating is done, then it’s back to work. And, hopefully, I’ll be back at book 2 so I can finally get it to my editor.
I also have a very special announcement! I’m offering a coupon code on my Etsy shop! Get 30% off my book at when you enter the code Tumblr16 (because this was originally written on my Tumblr Blog). The code expires October 23 which is 7 months to the day I first published my novella. I do ship internationally. And, thanks to the Etsy Seller app, I’ll know right when I get an order and then I can send it off to you! I have 20 copies available currently in my home stock. If you want the ebook, here’s the Amazon link. ( Paperback is also available on Amazon but I sign the ones sold on my Etsy shop.

If I get through all this and get book 2 to the editor, I’ll have a better idea when the book will be released. Aiming for early 2017. Exactly when is yet to be determined.

So, that’s it for now. I’m going to try and finish this chapter and then hit the sack. I work tomorrow evening so plenty of writing time beforehand. Maybe tomorrow will be a two chapter day. Who knows!

Have a great night. Thanks for reading and following and don’t forget to check out the links to my book!

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