Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Random Rant- Plastic Surgery for Kids?

Since I'm off Day Job for a while, I've been watching a lot of television. And, I saw an ad for a news story that made me very upset. It was a story talking about if your child is bullied in school, should you allow them to get plastic surgery. And, instantly, I thought "What the hell?! How is that supposed to help the kid?"

Now, I've talked about this before. I was bullied when I was a kid. I know how much it hurts. When you're an emotional child or teenager, words can hurt and you can feel like you just want to crawl into a hole and bury yourself in it. But, how is plastic surgery supposed to help improve your self esteem and image? Wouldn't that prove the bullies right? It would prove that you really aren't good enough the way you are so you have to resort to drastic measures to change yourself? I just don't see how that is going to be helpful. And there are so many risks with plastic surgery. It could go horribly wrong. There could be infection. And it could also lead to more bullying. Because if there's one thing I know about bullies is once they know they can get under your skin, they will figure out every angle to do it more to give themselves that sick sense of satisfaction they get when making someone else miserable.

So many things could go wrong with plastic surgery, especially with someone so young because they are still growing and the risks for complications increase. Now, I'm not a doctor but I can imagine this is the case.

I was unable to catch the story and, for some reason, I couldn't find it online. But, I just wonder what could make a parent or guardian think that plastic surgery is the only solution to getting the bullying to stop. What happened to talking to teachers and school administrators? Helping the child learn that what the bullies say and do shouldn't mean anything? Helping the child learn that they are fine the way they are?

Thinking about this is getting me so upset, I can't keep my thoughts together.

So, tell me if you agree or disagree. I'd love to have a discussion in the comments section.

Have a great night!

Unexpected Experience

Hi all,
I know I've been quiet lately on social media. I had a pretty frightening experience this weekend and have only been home since Monday.

Turns out I had a very large blood clot in my right leg. I ignored it for over a week and it just kept getting worse so my mother woke me up Friday and said, "Take a shower. You're either making an appointment with your doctor or I'm taking you directly to the ER." So, I made an appointment with a doctor and was sent for blood work and an ultrasound. The doctor called right away while I was still in radiology and said he was sending me to the ER. Long story short, I was admitted, I had 2 procedures to remove the clot, I was on bed rest for most of the weekend. I came home Monday. I'm on blood thinners for a year and need to be much more active in the future.

This doesn't mean I am stopping my writing. But, I'm a little more behind on my current draft. And I won't be doing any YouTube videos for a while because I'm all bruised and look like I had the snot beaten out of me. That was partly the blood thinners and where they poked and prodded me. And I can't get upstairs where all my filming equipment is. But I will continue to post on the blog until I can record again. And there is always Facebook and Twitter.

So, I just wanted to give my loyal followers an update on what's going on and I'll be resuming work on my manuscript tonight.

Thanks so much!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 2

Well, no writing done today. But, that's okay since I had such a huge start yesterday. Tomorrow, I am going to hit the coffee shop after I do my chores. (Laundry and cleaning and such) I also have to hit the library to print out the already typed chapters so I can prepare for when I get feedback from my beta readers.

I came home and was just so exhausted. Between the heat the past few days and being extremely busy at work, all I want to do today is watch America's Got Talent, put some ice on my foot, and relax.

I'm trying to come up with some new ideas for my YouTube channel. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know in the comments. One of my ideas will only work if I can get my sister and a friend involved but more on that when I know for sure.

Have a great night! Thanks for reading.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Camp NaNoWriMo Day 1

Well, didn't get to a coffee shop but I did manage to type about 6300 words. Almost 20% of my goal already. Pretty good, I think. I also started sending chapters to my friends who agreed to be beta readers for me. I still have the final two chapters to edit. I should have those done by Thursday. Between taking the church chapters to work with me and having Thursday off, it shouldn't be a problem.

I still can't believe I've made it this far in my writing. Honestly, I have never completed a story before. And here I am working on the first of a series. But, I am off to a great start.

I'm going to take a break and get some food before heading to work.

I'll have another update tomorrow.

Thank you for reading. Have a great day.
