Hi everyone,
It's that time of year again. No, not Halloween. It's NaNoWriMo prep month! For those who don't know, NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. Every November, writers from all over the world see if they can write a 50,000 word first draft of a novel in 30 days. This will be my 4th time participating and, I hope, my 4th victory. If you would like to join in, here are 11 tips for NaNoWriMo success.
1) Manage your time- We all have busy lives. Not everyone can be a full-time writer. So, find even an hour in your schedule to write. It may mean getting up earlier. It may mean not binging on that show you've watched 30 times on Netflix. Try to find a time each day to make your time to write and only write.
2) Stay Hydrated- Coffee is the beverage of the gods. It's what fuels all that wonderful writer mojo. But, you still have to drink water. Getting dehydrated can make you seriously ill and then you won't be able to get out of bed, let alone write.
3) Get involved in the community- the forum on the NaNoWriMo website is fantastic. You can do writing sprints, find pen pals, share ideas, or vent about being stuck on something. There is also the official NaNoWriMo Facebook group as well as your region may have one as well. Go to write-ins hosted by your region through NaNoWriMo or other writing groups. It is so much fun. Having other writers helps so much because you're cheering each other on. Also, if you do want to seek being a professional writer, networking is so important to your career. Then, you can find critique partners and beta readers. You can share experiences and people can help you out.
4) Sleep- It is a common misconception that you only have to sleep 3 hours a night. You still have to get plenty of sleep so your brain is able to function and create that wonderful story.
5) Don't stress over the word count- 50K in 30 days seems like a lot. But, it breaks down to about 1667 per day. That's not much. The Harry Potter series is 1,084,170 words. Sorcerer's Stone alone is 76,994. If JK Rowling averaged that over 30 days, it would be about 2567 words per day. You can definitely pull it off.
Also, 50,000 words is an arbitrary number. The goal is to develop the habit of writing every day. Not just for November. Whether it's 1667 words per day, 500 words, or 5,000. Any amount is more than you had the day before.
6) Quantity over quality- This is the first draft of your novel. In a month. And, if you're focusing on that end word count, it's definitely quantity over quality. Write down anything you can relating to your story. Dialogue, back story, any details. What doesn't stay during revision can be saved for your notes. Especially if it's a series. Continuity is key. So, keep notes on character profiles and world building in a separate notebook.
7) Be passionate about your story- If you're passionate about something, whether it's painting, photography, cooking, writing those things probably fill your thoughts all day and you're constantly working and improving. This is key to success. If you love and are passionate about your story, it will reflect in your writing style and readers will enjoy it all the more. And, at some point, you will hit a rough patch and you'll start to lose motivation and wonder "What was I thinking?" So, you have to keep in mind why you're doing this. If it's because you're dreaming about this story you've had for years, then focus on that to keep going in those tough times and you can get through anything.
8) Get ahead when you can- Life happens. Your car breaks down. You need OT at work. You're swamped with homework. Whatever. So, don't just stop at 1667. If you have a writing day where you're on a roll, just keep going. Then, you're ahead of the game and not stressing about your words of something prevents you from writing for a day.
9) Minimize distractions- Turn off the Netflix, turn off the YouTube, turn off the social media. These things take away from writing time. What I do is I take the laptop onto the bedroom, turn off the WiFi, set up my iTunes playlists, and write until my hands ache. I'm not one that can focus in complete silence. But, if I have Internet, chances are I'll be looking at Doctor Who parody videos or talking online instead of writing. And, that won't help me get work done at all.
10) It’s okay if you don't hit 50K- Like I said, life happens. 50K is arbitrary. If you still think it's overwhelming, especially first timers, shoot for 30,000 or just 10,000. It's still more than you had at the beginning of the month and helps you get into that every day habit of writing.
11) BACK UP YOUR WORK- Computers will crash. Flash drives get lost or fail. So, it's key to back up your work in multiple places. I have my story on the laptop, flash drive, Dropbox, Google Docs, and I email it to my phone. Over kill? Not at all. Because I've lost a story before. And, it sucked. All that work just gone. So, save constantly and back up your work so this doesn't happen to you.
That's all from me today. Witches of Coolersville is available on Amazon in paperback and ebook. You can also order a signed copy on my Etsy shop. Enter TUMBLR16 until October 23 for 30% off. Good luck to anyone participating in NaNoWriMo this year. And, I'll have another post soon.