"Hopes for the Future"
My hopes and dreams for the future have changed so much over the course of my life and will probably change more in coming years. But, right now, this is what I hope will happen.
First, I want to publish my first book. I've already started with a short story on Kindle and am working on a second. But, I mean an actual, physical novel. The first of a number I plan on writing in the coming years. I have a whole series in my head. It is a matter of putting the idea into print. Events like NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo help get me in a more disciplined habit of writing on a regular basis.
I want to have the means to move out. I want out of my parents' house! Either in an apartment or a house. Just as long as it's a place I can call mine and make my own rules. I have started gathering different little things over the years. I have a kitchen box and my own set of towels. Not much but it's a start.
I want to be married. Whether it is to Boy or not remains to be seen. That would be wonderful. But it is still early in our relationship to know for sure. But we're off to a good start.
I also want to travel more. This will likely happen once I am published and can go to signings and tours. But, I just love to travel. I love going to new places and experiencing new things. I am a big history nerd, too. My dad and I wanted to try and take a roadtrip to Gettysburg one of these days. I still have it on my list. So, we will get there someday.
Don't want much, do I?
Have a good day!
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