Monday, March 24, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 24

"Goal for Next Month"

Since March is almost over, it's time to start planning for April. Hopefully this will mean better weather but since that is beyond my control, I'll deal with what I can do.

My major goal is Camp NaNoWriMo. I am setting 25,000 word goal just to keep myself in some sort of writing routine and to get a jump on this novel series. If all goes as planned, the first draft will be complete in May and I can begin the editing and revising process and have book 1 self-published by year's end.

In the meantime, I was going through my old notebooks and found an already completed draft of a short story I wrote last summer. So, I am taking a break from novel planning to quickly type it and edit it and I want to publish a Kindle version through Kindle Direct sometime next month. Once it is typed, I will add it to my FictionPress account for a few weeks for all to read and review and then revise and edit it before taking it down to publish. I love this story and it was really easy for me to write. It is a love story. A young woman is a writer and needs some inspiration. Her friend decides to help her by telling her a story and giving her information about an ancestor. She begins to use the information and strange things begin to happen. Vivid, strange dreams and he seems to haunt her every waking moment. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope people enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

I got a jump on typing some of it today in between work and choir practice. I am going to try and get most, if not all, done tomorrow while watching Boy bowl. Thursday by the latest so I can post it on fictionpress as well as print it so I can start editing.

Have a great night! More information soon!


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