Monday, March 17, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 22

"My Academics"

I don't really know what to do with this topic. My academic career was pretty typical, I guess. K-12 like anyone else. We moved once. So, K-3 was in one district. 4-8 was another. And then a Catholic high school. In and out of community college for a number of years and then now, I guess you could call it self-educating.

It wasn't always easy. I struggled just like any other kid. And I thrived in some things. When we moved, during my 3rd grade year, my grades slipped. And, in 6th grade was my worst year. I was being bullied and was juggling schoolwork with theater club. Many nights spent crying over homework.

Junior high was 7th and 8th grade. I finally started to get my act together. For some reason, too, those two years were very easy for me. I even had a straight A report card. Those years were fun because I really liked my teachers (for the most part) and the school offered a lot or incentives for good grades and good behavior. And, there was the dream trip I saved every penny for two years to do. Washington DC for three days with my 8th grade class. I still had some problems. School, like I said, was easy for me. Some teachers gave extra credit out like crazy. I was starting to get bored. And there were still a few kids that gave me a hard time. So, my parents began searching for an alternative to public high school.

So began the process of applying for Catholic high school. There were two that were close to me. I attended the open houses and made my decision. There was only one I would bother trying. If that failed, public school it was. So, I wrote the essays, got references from teachers, took the placement exam and waited. Then, I got the news. Even after I made my parents promise not to open my letter. They still did, though. But it was the best day of my life thus far. I called my friends, took the letter to school to show my teachers and thank them for helping me. I was sad to leave my friends but we could still call each other and we tried to spend as much time together as we could.

High school was more of a challenge for me. No massive amounts of extra credit this time. The school had much higher standards and I studied like crazy. But barely made it through. (I can admit that now after all these years) I had some classes that I did really well in. Math and science not among them. I even went to tutoring for biology in 11th grade. Math bored me to death. I loved history. I enjoyed theology and 2 of my English classes. I also took theater, choir, multimedia and a web design class.

After graduating, I was in and out of the local community college for a long time. I changed my major a couple times but couldn't settle. So, I figured why spend money on something I'm not benefitting from. So, I stopped. I may go back. But for now, I want to travel and focus on my writing.

That doesn't mean I will stop learning. I'm always reading something new or finding a documentary on television or Netflix. And just living is a lesson in itself.

Time to go.
Have a great day.

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