"A Problem I've Had"
One problem I've always struggled with is speaking in front of groups. Public speaking has, for some reason, always terrified me. I've taken speech classes in high school and college. I've been required to give presentations in class. But I always have trouble. I get a tight feeling in my chest. I feel light headed. I can't breathe. That awful knot in the stomach. It's horrible.
And I can't understand why. I was in musical theater as a kid and did really well. I was a young member so all the big roles usually went to the older kids. But I could step on stage in front of a high school auditorium thay sat 1000 people and not think twice about it. But give me a speech in front of 100 people and I want to faint. Even if it's written out, word for word and by me.
Last spring, I had to say a few words at Church to try and get people to be more involved. I spent 2 weeks writing it. Even got my parents to help me. I'd write something, read it to them (and be fine) and take any of their suggestions on how to improve it. I was almost excited about it... Until it was time to step up and speak. Then it all started.
I've been given all kinds of tips, too. Dad told me to take a moment before I speak, look at everyone in the audience and (silently) say "I don't care about your opinion." And then start the speech. He says it takes the pressure off because you're not worried about them judging you. Well, I never cared what people thought, anyway. Someone else told me to treat it like I'm back in my theater days. I am playing a part and the speech or presentation is my big monologue. Tried that, too. Although, I like that advice better. (Sorry, Dad)
I know this is something I need to get over. Especially, if I am to be a professional author. How am I going to give presentations on my latest books? Or give speeches at signings and events like that? So, I am just going to have to keep trying and practicing and then, eventually, maybe I won't be so nervous.
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