Wednesday, March 5, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 5

"Something you would say to an ex"

When I saw this prompt, I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to dredge up old, mearly forgotten memories in a time in my life when I am so happy. So, I will make this one brief.

If I ever met my ex again, I would tell him he was right. We were all wrong for each other. And we would only be miserable if we had tried. He tried to make me fit a mold he had in his mind. This mold involved giving up values I find very important in my life. And if I had to change that much, it means he didn't really care for me. He wanted his idea of what he could turn me into. And I didn't like thst person.

Was I sad? Angry? Yes. Who isn't? I had a good cry and then went out wth my sister and our mutual best friend. Then, on my birthday two day later, we had a bonfire and I had a different idea on what would make good kindling. I spent all day removing scrapbook sheets. Three years racked up a lot of memories. And I burned every last one of them. Petty? Some may say so. But I felt closure. We met at a bonfire, after all. Why not set our memories on fire to end it.

Time went on and I started doing something I hadn't done in a long time. I lived life for ME. I started taking better care of myself. I went shopping. I traveled more, both with family and alone. And I wasn't worried about finding someone new. I could get on with life and if I med someone, fine. If not, fine, too.

And then something happened I never expected. A friend asked to spend the day with me. I thought nothing of it. But one thing led to another and we've been together for over 6 months now. And you know what? He doesn't try to fit me in a mold. We have the same interests and values in life. He loves me for ME. And that is worth everything.

So here's a message for all you girls out there going through a breakup or struggling to get back in the "dating scene." Don't worry about it. Love for YOU. And the right person will come along who will love amd accept you for who you are. Sometimes it will be in the least likely place. And you might be completely oblivious to it. Until the day he leans in and kisses you and tells you how he feels. And it will be the day you never thought would happen, that you will never forget.

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