Saturday, June 13, 2015

June 30 Day Writing Challenge- 13

Prompt of the Day-What is your dream job? Talk about how to get it and what you do when you have it. Go into enough detail and maybe it will come true. :)
Source- "1000 Creative Writing Prompts" by Bryan Cohen

Oh, this is easy. And, for anyone who's been following my blog for more than a month, obvious. My dream job is being a published author! Being able to write full time, travel the country (maybe the world) doing book signings, promotions, and conventions, and not standing for 6-8 hours a day, busting my rear for little to no appreciation and recognition and not enough pay like at my day job! (I'm not frustrated about being overworked and underpaid and coming home in pain every day. Why would I be? XP)

Ever since I was little, I've loved writing and telling stories. Whether it was writing in my journal or my sister and I taking our Barbie dolls on wild adventures, I've had a passion for stories. I've been working so hard on my books. I'm trying to get back into regularly blogging, which is why I've been doing these challenges for myself. Writing is what I want to do. And the ability to travel and promote my writing would be such a huge bonus because I love to travel. I'm actually trying to get a table at Cleveland Comic Con next year. I've been playing phone tag with a sales rep for a week now. I hope I can do it, though! How amazing would that be? Not only having a table at ComicCon but in my hometown! Woo! Local girl!

So, it's a short, sweet, and obvious answer but, there you have it. :)

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