Sunday, June 21, 2015

June 30 Day Writing Challenge- 21

Prompt of the Day-Write a scene that portrays your ideal writing conditions.
Source- "1000 Creative Writing Prompts" by Bryan Cohen

First, sorry for the jump from 18 to 21. I had a busy weekend and could not write. But, I'm still going to try and finish the month out! So, let's get started.

My ideal writing conditions would have to be a nice big office with room for my book shelves so I have lots of inspiration on hand. I want my OWN office. Right now, Boy is really nice and sharing his but I feel like I'm invading his space so whenever we move somewhere else I can have my own space.

I'd need a big desk because I keep lots of handwritten notes as well as hard copies of drafts. I would want a big window that can get light in most of the day. I wouldn't have to turn on any lamps and it would be good filming lighting because I'd want to continue my vlogs. Sometimes I don't want to sit at a desk when I write so a big, comfy chair or a 2 person sofa is a must as well. And, I can't just sit all day. I have to get up and move. So, maybe a treadmill or an exercise bike for when I'm taking breaks or just want to work out for a while. I'd also have a Keurig coffee maker and a small fridge for coffee and goodies and a closet to keep all my craft stuff hidden away for minimal clutter and distraction.

The walls would be pretty filled with book cases so there would be little room for posters except around the desk. I'd have some fandom posters, pictures of my friends and family, and a bulletin board for inspiration. And, of course, I'd have my fandom nik naks that I've collected over the years at conventions and comic book stores. They'd be scattered about the room because being a fangirl has heavily influenced what and how I write. I need all my inspiration surrounding me. And, I like being a great big geek. ^^

Pretty basic. Nothing too extravagant. Just my own space to write and vlog and read. And, the ability to have coffee on hand whenever I want.

Thanks for reading! Tell me about your ideal space?

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