Prompt of the Day-Sleep deprivation. It happened during school and it still happens in life. Talk about your attempts to survive on very little sleep and how effective they were/are.
Source- "1000 Creative Writing Prompts" by Bryan Cohen
Every year my family hosts a New Years Eve party. I usually manage to have New Years Day off, even if it means working the night before. It's okay, though, because my store is only open until 9 so I'm usually home before the crazies hit the streets. But, when I first started there, I couldn't get the day off like I wanted. I was scheduled to start at 6 a.m. and get done at 1 p.m. Our guests usually stay well into the night so this was a problem.
I ended up going to bed around 3, but I probably couldn't fall asleep until about 3:30/4:00, which gave me maybe an hour and a half of sleep. At the time, my room was in the basement. At 5:00, my alarm went off and I struggled to get moving. I heard laughter upstairs. I dressed and went into the kitchen to see my sister, her boyfriend and 2 friends, and my mom sitting around the kitchen table playing cards and still drinking.
"That's not fair!" I teased. "You started the real party without me."
My mom offered as a joke to take me to work but, of course, I told her I'd be fine driving myself. I went to work, struggled really hard to get through. I kept messing up transactions and I think my cash drawer was short. I couldn't wait to get done.
Finally, 1:00 arrived and I drove home. Didn't even change out of my work clothes. I lay down on the couch and conked out until my mom woke me up for dinner.
It was one of the hardest days of my life. I don't like being that exhausted and I was scared when I was driving.
Announcement: Keep an eye out on my YouTube channel. Some big news is coming this week!
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