Sunday, March 30, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 30

"Something I Am Excited For"

I may not seem like it sometimes but I am actually excited for my birthday this year. I will be 30 years old in May. Entering a new decade. I am not where I thought I would be at this point in my life. But, I am beginning to make things happen to change my circumstances for the better.

My birthday is on a Tuesday so no going out dancing but going out to dinner would be okay. I am not sure what I want to do but it will be amazing. ^^


Saturday, March 29, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 29

"Something You Could Never Get Tired of Doing"

When I was a teenager, my dad and I used to go fishing all the time. It was our thing to do. We would get up before the crack of dawn and drive out to our spot. We would sit there until about lunch time. Didn't even matter if we caught anything or not. We just sat and talked about anything and everything. When I got older, things changed. I got my first job and had to work weekends. He was also attending seminary school twice a week to become a Deacon for the Catholic Church so that ruled out Saturdays and Sundays.

But we're talking about starting to do it again. I'll have to get a fishing licence now, which is no problem. And we will probably have to do some planning before we go so our schedules work out. But, it is on our list this summer. Some people may think it is boring to just sit there all morning waiting for the fish to bite. But, I love it. Maybe this time I'll bring some of my writing, too. Not my laptop or tablet, but a notebook. Heaven knows I have enough of them. :) And there is never a shortage of topics with my dad. He's always telling stories or I'll vent about work. It is a tradition I hope lasts a long time for the pair of us.

What kinds of things do you do with one or both of your parents or grandparents that's just "your thing"?


Friday, March 28, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 28

"Somewhere You Would Like to Visit or Move To"

I have one of each. There are many places I would like to see but for the sake of not writing a book on the topic,  I will have to pick one. For my place to visit, I think I would like to see Scotland. I have a pen pal from there I met through NaNo and it sounds like a beautiful place.

I think I want to live in Oregon. I visited my best friend there 2 years ago and I did not want to leave. As we went around town, I could picture myself living there in a little town apartment or maybe a house in the country like my friend. Everything was green and beautiful. And people were so nice! I will never forget when he took me mountain hiking. I was having difficulty getting up the rocks and people were cheering me on! In Ohio, someone probably would have pushed me down the cliff and laughed.

Or, I would like to live in the Florida Keys. I have been there twice and it is beautiful. Even in the summer, it isn't overly hot and if it is, just go to the beach and cool off. Everyone is relaxed and nice. The weather is fairly consistent, as in warm and beautiful. They don't usually get a direct hit from hurricanes. And, where else can you go to a nightly street party just because the sun goes down? Niice!

I'm off to dream about those places now. Have a good night.


Story First Draft

Hi, everyone! I am so excited to be posting this! I have added the first draft of my latest short story project to FictionPress for comments and reviews before editing and publishing it to Kindle by the end of April. Once it is published, I will remove it from FictionPress but I will have links to my Amazon page through my Twitter and Facebook accounts.

I actually wrote this story last summer. It was really easy for me to write and so wonderful and fun. There is a little romance, maybe some slightly spooky elements to it as well. But, then I set my notebook aside and it became buried under some stuff in my bedroom. I found it recently and typed it up in about a day so now I am ready to begin the next step. But, I need your help. So, please click on the link above and read my story. It's not very long. And then write a review. Please be honest and constructive. All out trolling will be ignored and banned.

Your comments and reviews will greatly help my editing process since I will have unbiased eyes reading the story and going into it with an open mind. I look forward to reading your comments and thank you in advance. When the story is available on Kindle, I will let you know. Thank you!


Thursday, March 27, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 27

"A Quote You Try To Live By"

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" *Eleanor Roosevelt

You're probably going to laugh but the first time I heard this was when I saw the Princess Diaries movie a few years back. Joe was saying it to Mia to try and make her feel better. And then I found it again on Pinterest and saved it.

But, it is true. Especially in my current line of work. It's like the world is made of people who get off on bringing someone down, no matter how good of a day they may be having. And, why? To make themselves feel superior in some way? Well, guess what? That feeling does not last long. And, honestly, I feel bad for those people. What could be so awful about life that you feel no joy in anything other than making someone else miserable? And it seems like it's easier if that person is a complete stranger. It's like leaving an annonymous troll trash message on a story review or an article or a YouTube video. On the Internet, hiding behind a username makes things even easier.

So, I have learned when I encounter people like that (nearly on a daily basis when working in retail) I try not to let them get to me. I smile more and crank up the perk. It will either throw them off or make them either more angry. I've even gotten a complaint or two over the years. But, I don't care. Boss Lady usually believes my side of the story, anyway.

Have to cut this one short. Work crazy early in the morning.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 26

"30 Facts About Me"

I was going to do something like this in May for my 30th birthday but now is good, too. :)

1) My name is Carey.

2) I am the oldest of two girls.

3) I live in Ohio.

4) I work at a grocery store.

5) I want to write for a living.

6) I have lived in Ohio my entire life.

7) One of my best friends lives in Oregon.

8) My favorite city I have visited is Washington D.C.

9) I am a huge history nut.

10) I am a Whovian.

11) I used to have an enormous Sailor Moon obsession.

12) I have been to the Florida Keys twice.

13) I have been to Washington D.C. 4 times.

14) I have been to Niagara Falls Canada twice.

15) When I was 22, I totaled a car my mother and I shared not ten minutes after getting brand new tires.

16) I want an adult tricycle.

17) I have Rheumatoid Arthritis.

18) I used to have an Etsy shop where I sold beaded jewelry.

19) I am very close to my family.

20) My parents are my inspiration and my heroes.

21) I love to swim.

22) I scrapbook... a lot.

23) I want to see all 50 states before I die.

24) I have started trying to trace my ancestry. Found one side all the way back to the 1880s.

25) I enjoy reading YA and romance novels.

26) I gave up candy bars for Lent and have been trying to eat yogurt instead.

27) I want to Cosplay as Merida from Brave for ComicCon this year.

29) I sing and dance in the car.

30) I maybe have a slight Cherry Pepsi addiction.

Have a great night!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 25

"One of Your Favorite TV Shows"

Friends or family reading this are probably thinking, "Oh, joy. Here comes a whole post about how amazing Doctor Who is. Like we don't see enough of it on Facebook and Pinterest." But, actually, no. I will not be talking about Doctor Who, or Buffy or InuYasha. I will be talking about a show that is, sadly, no longer on. It only lasted a single season consisting of 9 episodes.

This was a History Channel show called "Surviving History." It was about a group of guys who worked in a shop where they create props for haunted houses and horror movies, that kind of thing. And they build and test actual items from history, weapons, inventions, even torture devices. Now, that may sound morbid and a bit creepy. But, I really learned a lot watching this show. They talk about the background and history surrounding these items so you understand the mindset of the people who created them.

Watching the guys test the items was entertaining as well. In one episode, someone made a chastity belt. He was going to try and make the one girl in the shop wear it but she tricked him and he ended up wearing it. He had to walk through a local farmer's market with this metal undergarment on the outside of his jeans. In that same episode, they recreated a joust. That was fun to see.

Now, they do take safety measures. If, for example, they create some sort of device for execution and want to see what sort of damage it would do. They would do two seperate tests. The Dummy Test- they would create a dummy that would resemble the human body as much as possible and put it, say, in the Gallows to see what would happen to someone's neck. Then, the Real Dummy test would be performed where they had a volunteer test the device. But, they would hook the person to a harness or swap out a part so they didn't really get hurt but could still put themselves in the shoes of someone who would have faced something similar.

I was really sad they only lasted one season and never found out why. Every once in a while it will air on History Channel but I bought the season on iTunes and love watching it.

Have a great night.

Monday, March 24, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 24

"Goal for Next Month"

Since March is almost over, it's time to start planning for April. Hopefully this will mean better weather but since that is beyond my control, I'll deal with what I can do.

My major goal is Camp NaNoWriMo. I am setting 25,000 word goal just to keep myself in some sort of writing routine and to get a jump on this novel series. If all goes as planned, the first draft will be complete in May and I can begin the editing and revising process and have book 1 self-published by year's end.

In the meantime, I was going through my old notebooks and found an already completed draft of a short story I wrote last summer. So, I am taking a break from novel planning to quickly type it and edit it and I want to publish a Kindle version through Kindle Direct sometime next month. Once it is typed, I will add it to my FictionPress account for a few weeks for all to read and review and then revise and edit it before taking it down to publish. I love this story and it was really easy for me to write. It is a love story. A young woman is a writer and needs some inspiration. Her friend decides to help her by telling her a story and giving her information about an ancestor. She begins to use the information and strange things begin to happen. Vivid, strange dreams and he seems to haunt her every waking moment. It was a lot of fun to write and I hope people enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

I got a jump on typing some of it today in between work and choir practice. I am going to try and get most, if not all, done tomorrow while watching Boy bowl. Thursday by the latest so I can post it on fictionpress as well as print it so I can start editing.

Have a great night! More information soon!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 23

"Something That You Miss"

This is easy. This isn't a thing I miss. It's a someone. Actually, a couple of someones. I went out to visit my best friend and her family yesterday and realized how much I miss seeing them regularly. They live an hour away, which isn't bad because they used to live 6 hours away. But, we've had such a bad winter it has been hard to plan time for a visit without worrying about whether or not I'm going to die on the Turnpike. So, while they're slightly more frequent, they're not the near weekly visits we used to have when they lived 20 minutes away. It's also hard now that my car is needing more and more maintaining. I don't want to chance going out that far and have something happen where I can't get back. That's why I got Boy to drive... although he informed me that his car is beginning to die a slow, painful death as well. Greeaat!

We are going to plan more things together. I want to go back out there around my birthday so we can do a double bowling date or something. And Boy suggested a baseball game this summer... if we ever get a summer. And there are places mid way that we try to meet up at as often as we can. So it isn't like I'll never see them. I just have to adjust to not seeing them as regularly as we would like.

I also miss my best guy friend. He lives on the other end of the country in Oregon. 2500 miles away! I did a Mapquest of the drive. It would take 36 hours to get out there. (Nonstop. So, probably more like 3 or 4 days counting stops for food, gas and sleep) I visited him once 2 years ago and it was so wonderful. I didn't want to leave. I'd like to go back, hopefully in January for Portland Comic Con, for at least a long weekend. I don't want to go another six years in between visits. And getting him to come here is next to impossible. So, what else can I do?

But, the wonderful thing about these two friends is no matter how many miles seperate us or how long it's been in between visits, we are always able to pick up where we left off. "Robin" and I continue our conversations in quotes and randomly bursting into song. Richard still makes me smile and we just act all around crazy. I love having friendships like that and I know these two are lifers. Other people may not understand why or how but that has never mattered.

Only about a week left of prompts in this challenge! I've had fun so far. But, once this is over I can begin Camp NaNoWriMo in April! More on that later.

Have a great night.

Monday, March 17, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 22

"My Academics"

I don't really know what to do with this topic. My academic career was pretty typical, I guess. K-12 like anyone else. We moved once. So, K-3 was in one district. 4-8 was another. And then a Catholic high school. In and out of community college for a number of years and then now, I guess you could call it self-educating.

It wasn't always easy. I struggled just like any other kid. And I thrived in some things. When we moved, during my 3rd grade year, my grades slipped. And, in 6th grade was my worst year. I was being bullied and was juggling schoolwork with theater club. Many nights spent crying over homework.

Junior high was 7th and 8th grade. I finally started to get my act together. For some reason, too, those two years were very easy for me. I even had a straight A report card. Those years were fun because I really liked my teachers (for the most part) and the school offered a lot or incentives for good grades and good behavior. And, there was the dream trip I saved every penny for two years to do. Washington DC for three days with my 8th grade class. I still had some problems. School, like I said, was easy for me. Some teachers gave extra credit out like crazy. I was starting to get bored. And there were still a few kids that gave me a hard time. So, my parents began searching for an alternative to public high school.

So began the process of applying for Catholic high school. There were two that were close to me. I attended the open houses and made my decision. There was only one I would bother trying. If that failed, public school it was. So, I wrote the essays, got references from teachers, took the placement exam and waited. Then, I got the news. Even after I made my parents promise not to open my letter. They still did, though. But it was the best day of my life thus far. I called my friends, took the letter to school to show my teachers and thank them for helping me. I was sad to leave my friends but we could still call each other and we tried to spend as much time together as we could.

High school was more of a challenge for me. No massive amounts of extra credit this time. The school had much higher standards and I studied like crazy. But barely made it through. (I can admit that now after all these years) I had some classes that I did really well in. Math and science not among them. I even went to tutoring for biology in 11th grade. Math bored me to death. I loved history. I enjoyed theology and 2 of my English classes. I also took theater, choir, multimedia and a web design class.

After graduating, I was in and out of the local community college for a long time. I changed my major a couple times but couldn't settle. So, I figured why spend money on something I'm not benefitting from. So, I stopped. I may go back. But for now, I want to travel and focus on my writing.

That doesn't mean I will stop learning. I'm always reading something new or finding a documentary on television or Netflix. And just living is a lesson in itself.

Time to go.
Have a great day.

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 21

"Hopes for the Future"

My hopes and dreams for the future have changed so much over the course of my life and will probably change more in coming years. But, right now, this is what I hope will happen.

First, I want to publish my first book. I've already started with a short story on Kindle and am working on a second. But, I mean an actual, physical novel. The first of a number I plan on writing in the coming years. I have a whole series in my head. It is a matter of putting the idea into print. Events like NaNoWriMo and Camp NaNoWriMo help get me in a more disciplined habit of writing on a regular basis.

I want to have the means to move out. I want out of my parents' house! Either in an apartment or a house. Just as long as it's a place I can call mine and make my own rules. I have started gathering different little things over the years. I have a kitchen box and my own set of towels. Not much but it's a start.

I want to be married. Whether it is to Boy or not remains to be seen. That would be wonderful. But it is still early in our relationship to know for sure. But we're off to a good start.

I also want to travel more. This will likely happen once I am published and can go to signings and tours. But, I just love to travel. I love going to new places and experiencing new things. I am a big history nerd, too. My dad and I wanted to try and take a roadtrip to Gettysburg one of these days. I still have it on my list. So, we will get there someday.

Don't want much, do I?

Have a good day!

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 20

"My Fears"

I've been thinking a lot about this topic. I know it goes beyond regular phobias. Although I haaate spiders with a firey passion. I blame my childhood best friend because she brought over the movie "Arachniphobia" when I had a sleepover when we were 12.

No, this is more what event (or events) that I am terrified would happen in my life. And it would come down to one basic thing. Something happening to my family. Either individuals or as a whole. I've had some scares. My father had a mild heart attack about 10 years ago. He is better but is on a lot of medications. I've had a grandfather and two uncles struggle and lose long battles with cancer.

I suppose that would be the worst fear. Having another family member get a wasting illness like cancer or a stroke. Watching someone suffer like that is so hard. And you get your hopes up so much when they have good days. At least, that has been my experience.

I also don't want to have a huge fight with anyone in the family. I knew a girl growing up. Her grandmother was always getting into fights with her sisters. And they were all quick to hold grudges and go years without speaking. And then, when the grandmother passed, her own sisters didn't attend the funeral because they were still mad at her. If that ever happened with my sister, I don't know what I would do. I know we've had our spats but usually a few hours later we're over it.

I can't really think of anything else right now. My family is my world so those two fears are top of my list.

Check back tomorrow for the next topic!

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 19

"Five Items I Want"

Having a job where income is slightly limited isn't easy. One really has to pick and choose what to spend money on. So, here are 5 things, in no particular order, that I have been working very hard to save for.

1) A SmartPhone- Now, this is very close to happening. My cellphone contract is nearly up. Time to say good bye to the "Stupid Phone" and finally get a SmartPhone. I am on social media so much talking about my writing projects. But, sometimes there are things I want to say that just can't wait until I have a Wi-Fi connection for my tablet. With a phone, I can jump on Twitter or Facebook, or even here on Blogger, and say what is on my mind while I am thinking about it.

2) A bicycle- Technically, it's an adult tricycle. But it's not as goofy as it sounds. Search it on Amazon. They look really nice. There is a bike shop in my hometown and I really want to get it from there. Then, I can look at it and ask questions. There is only so much you can learn online from stats and customer reviews.

3) A real camcorder and editing software- Now, I bundled these together because of what to do. As soon as my laptop is fixed, I will be right back on YouTube with my videos. And I have some fun ideas in mind. To do this, I don't think my little picture camera will cut it. But, more on that once I can get back on YouTube. ^^

4) A trip to the Florida Keys- I've been there twice and I want to go back sooo badly! Especially since I have a pen pal friend in Key West so I have someone to visit who can show me all the best places. The times I was there we only spent one day in Key West. So, there is only so much you can see in one day. I might fly all the way there, too. The Seven Mile Bridge is a little scary to drive over, especially at night.

5) A trip back to Oregon- If all goes the way I want, and I can get Boy along for the ride, I will be in Portland in January 2015 for ComicCon! Why Portland? When I live in Ohio and there is one in Columbus Halloween weekend? Well, one reason. I want to go with my best guy friend who lives in Eugene. I visited him 2 years ago and LOVED IT!! I really didn't want to leave. But, I think going to ComicCon with him and my boyfriend would be so much fun. We could take an extended weekend and fly out there. It does depend on funds and whether Boy and I can get the time off work. There is a lot of time between now and then. So, we shall see.

A somewhat boring list perhaps. But, that is my list.

Have a great night!

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 18

"A Problem I've Had"

One problem I've always struggled with is speaking in front of groups. Public speaking has, for some reason, always terrified me. I've taken speech classes in high school and college. I've been required to give presentations in class. But I always have trouble. I get a tight feeling in my chest. I feel light headed. I can't breathe.  That awful knot in the stomach. It's horrible.

And I can't understand why. I was in musical theater as a kid and did really well. I was a young member so all the big roles usually went to the older kids. But I could step on stage in front of a high school auditorium thay sat 1000 people and not think twice about it. But give me a speech in front of 100 people and I want to faint. Even if it's written out, word for word and by me.

Last spring, I had to say a few words at Church to try and get people to be more involved. I spent 2 weeks writing it. Even got my parents to help me. I'd write something, read it to them (and be fine) and take any of their suggestions on how to improve it. I was almost excited about it... Until it was time to step up and speak. Then it all started.

I've been given all kinds of tips, too. Dad told me to take a moment before I speak, look at everyone in the audience and (silently) say "I don't care about your opinion." And then start the speech. He says it takes the pressure off because you're not worried about them judging you. Well, I never cared what people thought, anyway. Someone else told me to treat it like I'm back in my theater days. I am playing a part and the speech or presentation is my big monologue. Tried that, too. Although, I like that advice better. (Sorry, Dad)

I know this is something I need to get over. Especially, if I am to be a professional author. How am I going to give presentations on my latest books? Or give speeches at signings and events like that? So, I am just going to have to keep trying and practicing and then, eventually, maybe I won't be so nervous.


Short Story Coming Soon!

I was going through my old notebooks and I found a story I wrote last summer that I loved and wanted to type up and publish so badly. I did type it but it is, sadly, on the missing flash drive that also contained my NaNoWriMo novel from November.

So, I'm going to type it up, edit it, and get it up. I have a page where I will have short stories available on Kindle. Link coming soon because I am still not sure how to do it on my tablet. So, when it's done I'll have another post explaining more about the story. The first draft is done so it won't distract me from my Camp NaNo prep. At least, not for very long.

More information coming soon. Stay tuned.


30 Day Writing Challenge Day 17

"Something You're Proud Of"

Ever since I began taking my writing more seriously, I have been working incredibly hard to perfect my style and craft because I really do want to do this as a career and be a published author. And, while this is just the beginning for me, so far I'd have to say the thing I am most proud of is my win of 2013 National Novel Writing Month.

I had attempted NaNoWriMo a number of times. But I would get distracted or something would come up and I would quit a couple weeks in. So, last October, I made the decision to take the leap. I began planning the story that had been tossing around in my brain for a while. I had a ton of notes and character profiles and a map of my world, everything.

November 1 arrived and I dove in. I wrote and wrote and vlogged and wrote some more. My goal was to finish before Thanksgiving because my day job is grocery retail and work was going to be hell. I didn't think I could write, work, and stay sane... or not pass out from exhaustion.

It wasn't easy. Juggling write, work, and my other obligations were so hard and crazy. But, I managed... somehow.

Finally, I reached the end. I entered the total and I had exceeded the goal of 50,000 words by 100 or 200. I printed my winner's certificate and hung it on the refrigerator like I was six years old and got a gold star on an art project in school.

What I'm not so proud of is what happened next. I needed a couple days to recover from the Thanksgiving holiday. And then I was going to add some more to the story before setting it down again until after the New Year. Unfortunately, I lost my flash drive and never backed it up on my laptop. How stupid could I be?! I don't know if it just knocked it off my desk or accidentally threw it away or what but I cannot find it! I still have some of my notes. But I really liked the scenes I wrote. And I don't think I can duplicate them.

So, now I am prepping another story for April Camp NaNoWriMo. The rules are more flexible and I can set my own word count. So, since Easter is in April, and once again work will be hell, I set my word count for 25,000 words. And then I can take my time to finish the first draft in May. (I have a vacation week coming up and that's my finish goal. Even better if I can print and start editing that week, too.)

There is another camp in July, too. These events are really the only times I can get consistent writing done. So, I need to start to discipline myself as if every month were National Novel Writing Month. Starting with this next event in April.

Oops! Tablet battery at 9%. What I get for watching Castle while trying to write. See what I mean about discipline?


Sunday, March 16, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 16

"Something You Think What If About"

Who doesn't think "What if..." about at least one thing in their lives? "What if I hadn't done better in school?" "What if I had gone to a different school?" "What if I had been able to move out at 18?" "What if I hadn't dated a certain person?" "What if I had asked someone out sooner?"

Those are some of mine as an example. But it's really not worth dwelling on because you would just end up driving yourself crazy. And if you're always dwelling on the past, you can't get on in the future.

Have a good day.

Friday, March 14, 2014

No Shame Campaign

What is Body Shaming?:

Bonus post, everyone! I heard about this girl on Steve Harvey and had to check her out. Her message is wonderful and girl's got some moves! Pass this on to everyone you know. It is a message that has been so lost in today's world, it's really sad.

As someone who has been bullied for my weight and health conditions, seeing this girl put herself out there like that is amazing and inspiring. And only helps me want to motivate others in my own way, too. So great.

Check her out!

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 14

"What I Wore Today"

Nothing exciting today but I'm almost half done with this challenge. Can't stop now!

At the moment, I'm still in my jammies. An old tank top and blue pajama pants with butterflies printed on them. Today I am going to wear just an old pair of jeans and one of my Doctor Who shirts. I have to clean out my car interior and then I work the fish fry tonight and want something I don't mind getting dirty and smelling like onion. (I usually have onion sauté duty to go with the pierogies) Although I'd rather smell like onion than fish, haha.

That's it!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 15

"What is your zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality?"

I don't pay attention to the zodiac. I don't care about my horoscope. So I had to do a little research to see what was said about my sign.

Here's what says: Strong, dependable Taurus leads the way when it comes to reaping the rewards of hard work. Lovers of everything that is fine and beautiful, Taureans surround themselves with material gains. This is a sensual, tactile sign. Touch is very important in everything from work to romance. Stable and conservative, Taureans are among the most reliable of the zodiac. While sometimes viewed as stubborn, this sign will plod along on a task until the very end, ensuring that everything is up to standard. They're highly creative and thoroughly enjoy making things with their own hands.

Let's break this down. Dependable. I try. I mean, my friend just asked me to apartment sit for her again in May.

Lover of everything fine and beautiful. Um... hello! I'm a girl! What girl doesn't like pretty things? But I don't make material things a priority. I'd much rather spend my money traveling and spending time with family and friends. I've done without enough in my life for various reasons that it doesn't bother me.

I am definitely stubborn. But that has nothing to do with the Taurus being a bull. I come from a family of hard heads so it's in the DNA.

The creative part is true, too. Obviously my writing but I love scrapbooking and I used to make beaded jewelry. I even had an Etsy business for about two years. But my wrists are starting to bother me so I only do that sometimes now. And my grandmother taught me how to crochet a little.

But, I think that is just me. I really don't think the stars control how we are. Otherwise everyone born during that time would be the same. And the "compatibility" of signs is a crock. Another site once said my perfect match was someone with a Cancer sign. Well, guess what. That was my ex. And that worked out oh so well! -.-

Sometimes it is fun to read those things, though. Also, look up the Horoscope song Weird Al does. He does a great job making fun of the whole thing.

Have a good day!

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 13

Today's prompt I'm going to tweak a bit. The list wants me to talk about how comfortable I am with my body image. I hate talking about that stuff because, honestly, I've had some sort of image issue since I was a preteen. I've mentioned how I was bullied about my weight, which certainly didn't help. And now, my current health problems don't help me either. But I am working on improving my self image. It is taking time. More time than I'd like, sometimes. But I know I will get there.

I haven't mentioned this a lot in this blog. I have another where I focus on it. I have rheumatoid arthritis in my knees and one ankle. Now, I know what some of you are thinking. "Arthritis? That's what old people get." Which is true, but that's usually a different kind. Rheumatoid is an autoimmune disease that causes the body to attack the joints. Unlike osteoarthritis, which is usually the "old people" arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis can be controlled and managed with medications and diet.

Staying active helps a lot, which is why this winter has been killing me. At least in summer, I can go walking or bike riding. In winter, I'm lucky if I can make the indoor pool at the community center once a week.

Some dietary changes help, too. I have to watch salty foods because salt aggravates inflammation. This is hard because I love Chinese food and that is packed with salt. But there is a little place near me that prides itself on not using MSG in their food. So we go there and I can still enjoy it.

Staying active really makes me feel better, too. Sure, I may pay for it the next day or two, but at the time it feels good. All depends on what I do. I stand all day at work. On down time, I usually try to walk around just to stretch and loosen my muscles. (Unless my friend Miss S is working. Then I stay put to avoid a confrontation.) Then, on nice days (if I don't work too late) I'll call up some friends or my mom and we'll hit the park path. Sometimes we'll walk a mile or so. This spring I want to buy a bicycle so I can go riding with my sister and some friends. I also like to go dancing. Like I said, those good days are sometimes followed by a day where I'm just sore because I don't do it regularly. Or I get a pain flare and it hurts to move.

It is discouraging. Especially when I have a few good days just to end up flat on my back again. But I do my best to push through. Some of it is out of pride. There are coworkers (like guess who) who think I fake my issue. How they get this notion, I have no clue. I can be near tears and I will drag my bucket to work for 6, 7, 8 hours. I've argued with one of my managers because I wouldn't go home but I was in so much pain she made me go because she was afraid I'd hurt myself more trying to push it. As long as I can make it past the halfway point of my shift it doesn't count against attendance. But I don't get the pay for the hours I miss either.

Talking to people in a similar situation helps, too. I am on 2 groups on Facebook for RA sufferers. One is a general group and one is just for women and we get a bit more personal about our lives. Both are closed groups so I can go on there and vent to my heart's content without anyone from work or family seeing. And they are all so supportive because many are in similar situations and have heard the things I've heard. Like, "You don't look sick. You were just up late." Oh yeah? My ankle is currently twice its normal size and I can't put weight on it. That's normal, is it?

Finally found a doctor who is helping me, too. My old doctor just told me to take anti inflammatory medicines and work on losing weight. Well, if I can't move, how can I exercise? I really don't snack that much. I mean, sure, I like my sweets as much as the next girl. But I don't park on the couch all day and chow down. I changed doctors and she suggested other medication options. They are not instant cures. There is no such thing. But they help me feel even a little better so I can work on the rest by what I mentioned earlier. Watching the salt, walking, swimming. I was in a water zumba class for a while. Once choir starts its summer break I'm going back because right now I have rehearsal on Thursdays. And the Boy bowls on Tuesdays for a few more weeks. I take a weekly injection. I hate needles but this isn't as bad as I thought because I don't see the needle. If I did, I'd be on the floor. I can almost make the week now. Not liking the side effect of my hair thinning. But it's a small price to pay in order to be able to move.

So, all these things have been slowly helping me become more comfortable in my own skin. I look in the mirror and I see a woman who has been through a lot. But I'm making it. I keep a pair of jeans next size down on my closet door as my goal to work for. I want to be able to climb a mountain on my next trip to Oregon and not feel like I'm going to die when I reach the top. My sister is going to give me a real cute hair cut to help with me deal with my hair thinning out. When I am able to fit those jeans, I sm going shopping for some super cute date clothes.

This is a very long way of saying no, I'm not comfortable with how I look or feel. But I am taking steps to improve it and my health at the same time. That is more important. Looking good is a bonus, though. Not gonna lie. :)

Have a good night!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

30 Da Writing Challenge Day 12

"Five Men I Find Attractive"

Everyone has their celebrity crushes. You'd have to be living under a rock not to. So, here are 5 of my favorites. Pictures may be added at a later date when my laptop works again and it's easier to add them. Not in any order.

1) Nicholas Brendan- Most of us know him as Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He has also been Penelope Garcia's geeky cute boyfriend on Criminal Minds. I have a thing for dark haired geeks. What can I say? (Obviously, seeing as I'm dating one) I haven't seen him much on Criminal Minds because that show scares me so I can't say much on that. But, I loved him as Xander! He was just so sweet and charming. He meant well whenever he tried to help and it was so wonderful to watch his character grow from geeky school boy to (still geeky) charming young man, who saved the world on countless occasions. I wanted to marry him when I was a teen.

2) Ewan McGregor- Scottish and can sing. What's not to love? Just thinking about it makes me want to watch Moulin Rouge again. I've seen a few of his movies but that is my favorite. Again, dark haired boy-next-door type of appearance. I just love his accent whether it is his English or his natural Scottish. Even his horrible attempt at Southern. (Really. Watch Big Fish or Down With Love. So awful!)

3) Matt Smith- Keeping with the British trend. Matt Smith is best known for his role as the latest regeneration of the Doctor. His three season reign on the show is either loved or loathed by Whovians. (Mostly loathed by fans who never got over David Tennant) He was the youngest Doctor in the show's 50 year history. His bow tie clad, fez obsessed, clumsy charm and childlike joy at new things made him so much fun to watch. I enjoyed watching him in interviews and behind the scenes, too. He is so genuine with the fans, especially the kids. I can't wait to see what the future holds for his career.

4) David Boreanez- Back to my Buffy days. The first time I started watching him in the 2nd season, it was just before the return to Angelus. He terrified me. The way he shifted from brooding charmer to cold hearted killer in the same episode is chilling. And now I love his character on Bones. It's taken me time to get into the show because I still saw him as Angel for a long time. But the more I watch, the more I enjoy this other side of him. He can be very funny and sarcastic and his character's affection for Bones is really touching. I think I enjoy that pair more than Angel and Buffy.

5) Jonathan Rhys Meyers- I just finished watching The Tudors. If you can get past the historical inaccuracies, and the graphic scenes, and the focus on sex and gore, it can be a great show. His portrayal of Henry VIII is incredible. You want to love him one minute and strangle him the next. I didn't know much about him before I saw the show. I guess he did a TV movie where he played Elvis. That I have to see since he's Irish. How well did he pull that off? And he is in a new Dracula series, too, that I have to find. I watched an interview on Craig Ferguson. It was a YouTube video. I heard his natural Irish accent. Can you tall I like accents, too?

So, these are a few of my favorite celebrities. This gives me an idea on another topic once this Challenge is over.

Have a good day!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 11

"My Family"

Oh, what to say about my family? Best way to sum us up is we're crazy. I mean, absolutely, batty! But, we're the fun kind of crazy. We're always laughing and giving each other a hard time because that is how we show affection. It throws people off who do not know us that well but they either get used to it or ignore us.

I am the oldest of two. And, somewhere in the middle with my cousins. A good chunk of us are pretty close. Every family has issues so I'm not even going to pretend we're perfect and get along all the time. There are even some people we don't talk to. Either they've cut ties or it was mutual. But, that's depressing so I won't get into that. :)

For the sake of not writing a book, I'll just talk about my immediate family and pet. First, of course, is my parents. They are where I get my crazy from. My sister and I take after them in our own ways. I look like my mom. Brown hair, green eyes, fairer complexion. I think I have the height from my dad's family. Although, my mom's family has a wide range of heights. But, there are stories of ancestors in Europe on my dad's side being over 7 feet tall. My sister looks more like our dad. Big, dark brown eyes and dark, thick, hair with this wonderful natural wave to it that I envy to no end. (Mine is thin and stick straight, partly because of my various health issues) My mom and I are quieter and more passive than Dad and Sis. But, the thing about quiet, passive people is don't mistake the quiet for weakness. Because, if you push us too far, look out. It's Volcano Day in Pompeii. We've both had our incidents where this has happened and we really shock people when it happens. Whereas Dad and Sis will tell you right off if they have an issue with you. Dad is a former police officer and a great natural judge of character.

Both my parents have been tremendously supportive my whole life. They encouraged me to join musical theater when I was a preteen. Mainly because I was very shy. They wanted to help get me out of my shell a bit. I still have my moments when I'm around a new group where I clam up but it helped and I have a love of music and theater that will be lifelong. They also helped me so much during my rough days where I was being bullied in junior high. And, they have encouraged my writing my whole life. I changed my major several times while going to college. Mom knew that I always kept going back to writing in some form or another.

My folks are also great to party with! I had a small backyard party one year for my birthday and a girl I used to go to school with gave me a hard time about them being there. Well, first, I was using Dad's DJ equipment so he wasn't going to go anywhere in order to prevent something from happening to it. And, my parents are fun! New Years Eve is the highlight of the year. We invite a bunch of friends, Dad makes a ton of food, and we just hang out until 3 AM or later. He has one rule. If you're going to drink, unless you came with someone, he takes your keys. Driving with my mom is fun because she'll sing along with the radio with my sister and I and we'll pretend we were in a mother/daughter music group. She taught us how to car dance! When I was a teenager, my dad and I would wake up before the crack of dawn to go fishing. We'd drive out to "Our Spot" and stay there until lunchtime or we ran out of bait, talking about everything we could think of. That was just our time. Mom would go with us sometimes but she wasn't that into fishing. And Sis would set the worms free. But, they also took no crap from us girls, either. Dad's favorite line is "I've done everything you've done, thought about doing, or will do. We just called it something else."

Some people, especially those who know how snarky my father is, find it hard to believe he is a deacon of the Catholic Church. But, he is wonderful in his ministry and I think his no-sugarcoating way of speaking is more effective with people. He has even managed to bring people back to the Church. When he preaches, he relates Scripture to real life, either present day events or events in his life which connects to people really well.

My sister is my best friend. She is 5 years younger than me. We are pretty opposite in temperament and personality. And, we didn't always get along. When we were younger, we would fight like a pair of alley cats. Sometimes there was even bloodshed. Like the time I tried to prevent her from entering our room and I lost my grip on the door and fell into the nightstand. I still have a scar on my back where I cut myself on the corner of it. There was only one ER trip. We were playing ball in the front yard and she nailed me in the forehead with a line drive. (Girl's got a hell of an arm. She definitely got the athletics gene that skipped me) But, usually, after a couple hours of to cool off, we're back to giggles and being the best of friends again.

We are also very protective of each other. When I was going through a bad breakup a few years back, she had my back all the way. She wouldn't let me hide in my room. She called two of our mutual friends and we had a girls night. She helped me pick myself up and helped me learn to live for ME. She hasn't gone through anything as rough, but when I caught an acquaintance during my community college days checking her out (while she was still in high school) I made my displeasure quite clear. We laugh and cry together, although I cry more because I'm much more emotional. We give each other advice about a variety of issues. We tease and torment because that's what sisters do. We have mutual friends we spend time with when we can. Both our work schedules can be quite hectic but we make it work. She's great at doing hair. She comes up with great ideas and is usually able to pull it off. She's also a wonderful artist.

And, we can't forget her Highness, Princess Seige. (Pronounced Sage. Sis picked it) She is our 11 year old grumpy cat. She was my sister's cat but since she went off to college and has since moved out, the cat has latched on to Dad. She cries when he leaves or goes to bed. She has to be his shadow everywhere. She even squeezes between my parents while they're sitting on the couch watching TV at night. She doesn't like to be pet by anyone else. Unless she feels like it. If someone touches her when she's not in the mood, she'll go off and wash herself. When we had our dog, she would wait by the door for us to let him back in and then jump up and slap him in the face. She couldn't stand my cat, Sabrina, and so we had to keep them separate. No matter what we did in the 11 years they were together, they never got along. She is declawed, thankfully. But she has learned to compensate with her teeth. She doesn't like the boyfriends, but that's because they both tease her so it's a justified dislike.

So, that's my immediate family in a nutshell. I'll probably be talking more about them in the future as I continue with this challenge and general writing.

Have a good night!

Monday, March 10, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 10

"Music Shuffle"

The prompt says put your music player on shuffle and list the first 10 songs. But, my laptop is currently not working and I can't find my iPod so I am using what comes on one of my Pandora stations. This is supposed to be my Little Bit of Everything station. I'm still adjusting it.

1. Nobody's Fool- Miranda Lambert
2. Stay- Sugarland
3. A Little Bit Stronger- Sara Evans
4. Chainsaw- Band Perry
5. I'll Be- Edwin McCain
6. Everybody (Backstreet's Back)- Backstreet Boys (Actually, on Pandora it said NKOTBSB)
7. It's Gonna Be Me- N'Sync
8. As Long As You Love Me- Backstreet Boys
9. I Like It, I Love It- Tim McGraw
10. Love Like Crazy- Lee Brice

Here you go. Just a small snippet of the music I listen to.

Tomorrow's prompt is "My Family."

Camp NaNoWriMo!

I decided I am going to sign up for Camp NaNoWriMo for April. I've never done the camps but that program seems to be the only way I get any regular writing done. So, tonight, after work, I am going to sign up and complete my profile for it. I may have to borrow my mom's laptop to do any real typing. I still don't have a power cord for mine and I hate typing on my tablet. (Looking at a keyboard for it soon)

Off to work now. Just wanted to add this little update. The 30 Day Challenge will continue this evening.

Have a good day, everyone!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 9

"The Importance of Education"

We all know, or should know, how important it is to have an education. And I don't just mean K-12. Education after those years is crucial to a fulfilling life. However, college or even trade school is not meant for everyone.

I am an example of this. After high school graduation, I was in and out of community college for a number of years, but I couldn't settle on what I wanted to do. I started with teaching, then web design, journalism, back to teaching. But I was never satisfied. So, why would I want to pay money for classes I would get bored with mid-semester? So, I decided to take a break. Travel, fix my car, explore my options. But I never stop learning. I am always reading about things that interest me. Usually history of some kind. Or I take up a hobby. I like documentaries on TV or YouTube. Even Netflix. I even started paying attention to sports, like football, so I know what my sister and my boyfriend are talking about. And I find I always gravitate toward my love of writing. And all my self-learning acts as inspiration for that writing.

Now, I am not saying drop out of college if you have a little trouble. It took a lot of thinking for me to make that decision. Investigate your options, especially if you have loans or your family is helping with school costs. Loans do have to be paid back and I don't think Mom and Dad would be happy if they paid for 3 years just to have you drop out before year 4. Some people end up excelling in college or trade school. So much so, they keep going back. I know a man who is a friend of the family. He has 4 Masters degrees and is now working on a PhD! He is brilliant.

Also, even after college or whatever you decide to do, learning is lifelong. Join a Bible study at your Church. Start a book club with friends. Visit a museum and actually read the plaques on the displays. Go to a historic site. I am sure there is at least 1 within driving distance. Find a topic that interests you and read everything book you can get your hands on about it. And take notes of things that stand out in your mind so you can research it further. Start researching your family tree. You never know what you will find. If you had ancestors from other countries, read about that country. Learn the language. Who knows? Maybe you could travel there one day and meet some long lost relative.

Have a little fun with it, too. For example, I love the history of Tudor England. I've read a number of books and web sites on the topic. But, I also read historical fiction, like Philippa Gregory's lovely tales, or watching shows like The Tudors- even though I know it's horribly inaccurate and focuses on the sex and death drama. And the actor who plays Henry VIII is far too good looking for the role. (Tangent, sorry)

So, yes, education is one of the most important things in the world after love. It just may not always come with a funny hat, long, boring ceremony, and piece of paper.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 8

"What I Ate Today"

Boring! Tomorrow should be more interesting. I had chicken and potatoes for lunch and a wrap and coffee for dinner. I never eat breakfast because I like sleeping in.

Oh! And I tried a really yummy Greek yogurt with M&Ms on my second break. I try to get something like that to keep me away from the candy. It works. Between that and trying to keep up with the Wii, I'm slowly losing weight. *happy dance*

Okay, I'm off to finish watching the Tudors on Netflix. Figure I can get an episode in before bed. And I'm almost done with the 4th season.

Friday, March 7, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 7

"Five Pet Peeves"

I'm going to have a lot of fun writing about this, if only because of the crazy stories that accompany some of these.

Most of these come from my work in either retail or catering. I've worked in retail since I was 16 and done catering (volunteer and paid) since I was about 12. So, I've worked with the public for over half my life. Some come from life and observing people. None of these are in any kind of order. Just as I think of them.

1) Unnecessarily Rude People- You know who I mean. Those people who, no matter what you say or how pleasant you try to be, just are mean and nasty. When I first started my current grocery job, a man came through my line with a few things. I smiled and greated him with an enthusiastic "Hi, sir. How are you today?" As sure as I sit here and recall this, I swear he looked me in the eye and said, "What the hell are you so happy about?" Well, after I picked my jaw up off the floor, I said "I got up this morning and the sun is out?" He grumbled something under his breath. I finished ringing him out and he went right to the desk to complain about me! Yeah! He said I got an attitude with him. Really?!
Now, this doesn't just cover your everyday grumps. There are many people who are discriminatory when they speak, too. And it drives me crazy. I'm probably going to get a rant from someone talking about free speech or how some people don't know better. Whatever. The not knowing better is an excuse used for children. If you haven't been living under a rock for 50 years, you know certain things just are inappropriate and shouldn't be said in public. Especially in a culture of Political Correctness, where smiling wrong can get you hit with a lawsuit. Being blatantly racist or homophobic is one of those things that makes my hair stand on end. If I were a cat, my ears would be back, too, but I'm going on a tangent.
I was talking with one of my regular customers about how I would love to go back to Key West. It's beautiful there and everyone is so nice. And now I have a pen pal who lives there so it would be nice to meet her in person. A customer next in line asked, "Why do you want to go there? Everyone there is gay." This irked me to no end. So, I decided to throw the lady for a loop. Being a writer, and a history geek, I know that the old timey meaning of the word gay is also "happy." It's in the old Christmas Carols. So, I said, very deadpan, "Yes, everyone is very happy in Key West. It must be the perfect weather." She didn't know what to make of that comment. So she didn't say much to me when it was her turn.
I could go on for a whole entry with stories but it's time to move on.

2) Drivers on icy roads- With the winter we've had in my region, I'm going to just lump everyone together. I can't stand driving in winter! If I'm the only one, either late night or early morning, I'm uncomfortable but I can avoid the onset of a panic attack. Other people make me nervous.
People seem to get amnesia every winter when it comes to driving. You would think it was common sense. When the roads are icy, SLOW THE HELL DOWN! Not to the point of being a major risk to other people. But, use a little extra caution. I see too many people zip around me on icy, snow covered roads because I'm not going fast enough. Usually this is accompanied by the oh so considerate person giving me the bird as they fly by.
Also, do they not teach what assured clear distance is anymore in Driving School? Or are the drivers of big trucks or fancy brand vehicles exempt from that part of the course? Because I have lost track of the number of times I have been driving on an icy road and some big SUV is right on my bumper. And not just during bad weather, either. Big SUVs, trucks and people who drive expensive brand cars (Cadillac, BMW, etc.) seem to love to ride bumpers of other cars. This isn't NASCAR, people! No bump drafting on the regular roads! I'm always afraid a deer is going to run out in front of me and I would get rear ended. And it would not be my fault, either. (I know that firsthand, because I rear ended someone and I was the one with the ticket.) And if I get hit by a top brand car, guess who's getting a new car!
Also, people who don't use their turn signals. I'll just say it is a good thing I pay attention because I can not count the number of times I've been driving down the road and someone just slams on the breaks and makes a turn without giving any indication they were going to turn. It's a blinking light, people! Not a bomb!

3) Drama Starters- This could be bundled with number 1 but I'm counting it separately because I am surrounded by these in my life. These are the people who live to cause crap in people's lives. Whether they're bored or that desperate for attention, I don't want to know. But they love causing drama unnecessarily. Something happens at work, they raise hell. A coworker gets sick and they have to pick up the slack, the coworker is doing it intentionally to screw them over. The slightest foot-in-mouth moment is blown out of proportion. They have such a high school mentality. They'll talk about people within earshot or when not around. First to nit pick the most minor mistake made and blow it out of proportion.
Oh, and don't you dare try to make a joke with them. They are the first one to file a complaint.
They also fall under the "fake nice" category. They act all nice, gain your confidence and when you say the wrong thing, say venting about another coworker, they're the first to run to that person and say "Do you know what (insert name) said about you last night?"

4) Belligerent people at parties- This goes back to my catering days. You know there's always "That Guy" or "That Girl" at every party. First one to the bar and last one to stagger out at the end of the night. They're loud, rude, obnoxious. They shamelessly hit on the catering staff.
I was working a wedding one night and encountered one of these. The bride's father. When midnight arrived, it was time to go. So we started to clean up and this man would not leave me alone! Kept asking me to hit the bars with him. I wasn't old enough yet. Probably 18 or 19. I was tired and would probably be there until 3 A.M. cleaning up. He would not leave me alone! I had to get the police officer acting as security to get him to back off.

5) And finally, people who have their cell phones permanently attached to their ears! I will not talk to them when they come through the checkout. I scream when I see them on the roads. I avoid them while out somewhere, shopping or the movie theater line. They are annoying. They are rude. When driving, it's a hazard. I can't deal with them! If your conversation is so important, go off to the side somewhere and chat. Especially in the grocery line or driving. Because your attention is diverted from what you should be doing, like paying attention when maneuvering that truck cart with $300 in groceries and a screaming toddler. And don't get mad when you're in a store and a clerk ignores you. Say you're at the deli counter. If you're on your phone, chances are the clerk won't know you're waiting to be helped because whoever your talking to is far more important than taking 2 minutes to give your order and being polite. Heaven forbid we do that anymore. Or if something is marked wrong, don't blame the cashier after the fact. You should have been paying attention and then the problem could have been solved right away. Instead, you'll have to wait in another line at customer service to get the issue fixed. And chances are you will be on your phone complaining about the "stupid employees" and how rude they are when you were too absorbed in your own little world to realize it was you who was the problem.

Okay, I think I've been pretty ranty today. But it felt good getting all that off my chest.

Thanks for reading and I am looking forward to reading your feedback.

Have a good night.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 6

"Thoughts On Mainstream Music"

Yay! A nice, open topic. Here goes.

I listen to just about anything you can sing or dance to, or both. Country, pop, old school rock, musicals, just to name a few.

When I was a teenager, I was very into the 90s Boy Band craze. (Oh, great. I just dated myself, ha!) My bedroom was wallpapered with posters and magazine clippings of the Backstreet Boys. I wanted to be a Spice Girl. And, yes, I wanted to go to the NTOTBSB concert a couple years ago.

Today, the boy bands kind of drive me crazy. Now, it could be this whole "getting older" thing I keep trying to avoid. But, I never bothered with the Jonas Brothers. And I think One Direction should go back to England. I got into an argument on YouTube with someone over those kids! Apparently, November 23 of last year was some big day for them. Well, it was also Doctor Who 50th anniversary. This person left a rant about how One Direction is the world and Blah blah blah. So, I just replied with "When One Direction is 50 years old, then they'll get a holiday. However, they will probably go the same as every other group in music. They have their run and go their separate ways in a couple years."

Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Country music. Some of the local pop stations seem to have Lady Gaga, One Direction, and Miley Cyrus on repeat. Lady Gaga is okay. She has a couple good songs. But I don't want to hear her every time I turn on the radio. Miley Cyrus? I refuse. Girl's got some issues. And I love how Daddy was all to happy to ride on her fame from the Disney days but now he seems to be avoiding her. I could be wrong, I don't keep track. But that seems to be the impression. Oh, and I want to shoot my radio whenever Justin Bieber comes on. Enough said there.

My current favorites are Thompson Squared, Miranda Lambert, and Florida Georgia Line. There are many more but when those in particular come on the radio, I have to crank the volume. Miranda Lambert, who is happily married to Blake Shelton, has the best breakup songs. Someone asked me one time why I like those songs. "I thought you were in a good relationship." "I am," I said. "But breakup songs are so much more fun to sing to." Maybe that sounds strange to some but that's me and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way.

Also, if today's artists are going to remake or cover a song, do it justice! And there are some songs that should be left alone, unless you're in a cover band. I heard an Aerosmith song at work one day. I could tell it was a remake because it was sung by a girl. And it didn't sound right.

Some people may say I'm picky. And if you disagree, please don't send me any hate comments. I don't want some hard core "Belieber" or "Directioner" trolling my blog or social media because I have a different opinion. That's what makes the world interesting. We all have different opinions. And the world would be a lot better if we just respected those opinions and moved on.

Okay, rant over.

Oh, tomorrow will be fun. "Five Pet Peeves" No holding back on this one.

Good night!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 5

"Something you would say to an ex"

When I saw this prompt, I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to dredge up old, mearly forgotten memories in a time in my life when I am so happy. So, I will make this one brief.

If I ever met my ex again, I would tell him he was right. We were all wrong for each other. And we would only be miserable if we had tried. He tried to make me fit a mold he had in his mind. This mold involved giving up values I find very important in my life. And if I had to change that much, it means he didn't really care for me. He wanted his idea of what he could turn me into. And I didn't like thst person.

Was I sad? Angry? Yes. Who isn't? I had a good cry and then went out wth my sister and our mutual best friend. Then, on my birthday two day later, we had a bonfire and I had a different idea on what would make good kindling. I spent all day removing scrapbook sheets. Three years racked up a lot of memories. And I burned every last one of them. Petty? Some may say so. But I felt closure. We met at a bonfire, after all. Why not set our memories on fire to end it.

Time went on and I started doing something I hadn't done in a long time. I lived life for ME. I started taking better care of myself. I went shopping. I traveled more, both with family and alone. And I wasn't worried about finding someone new. I could get on with life and if I med someone, fine. If not, fine, too.

And then something happened I never expected. A friend asked to spend the day with me. I thought nothing of it. But one thing led to another and we've been together for over 6 months now. And you know what? He doesn't try to fit me in a mold. We have the same interests and values in life. He loves me for ME. And that is worth everything.

So here's a message for all you girls out there going through a breakup or struggling to get back in the "dating scene." Don't worry about it. Love for YOU. And the right person will come along who will love amd accept you for who you are. Sometimes it will be in the least likely place. And you might be completely oblivious to it. Until the day he leans in and kisses you and tells you how he feels. And it will be the day you never thought would happen, that you will never forget.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 4

"Bullet point Your Day"

*Get up.
* Lay in bed playing Bubble Witch
* Turn Pandora app on and blast it (No one else is home. Who's going to care? The cat?)
* Shower
* Get ready for work
* Leave for work
* Holler at stupid people on the roads
* Dance to the local country station blaring full volume
* Arrive at work
* Park in boonies to prevent damage to car
* Trek across frozen tundra, also known as the parking lot to warm building
* Begin work
*Break time!
* Enjoy few minutes off feet
* Return to work
* Realize phone gone
* Panic
* Try to focus on rest of day. It'll turn up.
* No such luck. Uh oh.
* It's 5:00 somewhere? Yup! Right here! Time to go!
* Detour to get Paczki (poonch-key) for self and Boy
* Journey back through frozen tundra to car
* Drive to bowling alley
* Get dinner
* Watch game and work on novel
* Cheer Boy on
* Pack up stuff
* Walk to car
* Say good night
* Go home
* Talk to Mom
* Get ready for bed
* Set alarm for morning
* Type and post this blog
* Go to sleep

Have a good night everyone! Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my oh so exciting life. :P


Monday, March 3, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 3

"A Book I Love"

I'm quite the bookworm. I'll read just about anything if it interests me. Fiction, nonfiction, romance, young adult, fantasy, dystopian, historical. But there is one book I keep returning to. Dance of the Gods by Nora Roberts is a book I absolutely love! I've read it so many times I may need a new copy soon because my book is looking a bit ragged.

Dance of the Gods is the second book in the Circle Trilogy. (Morrigan's Cross, Dance of the Gods, and Valley of Silence) The whole trilogy is a fantasy fan's dream come true! There are witches, medieval sorcerers, vampires, demon hunters, ancient gods, a fairy tale castle, lots of romance, drama, apocalyptic battles. Each book focuses on a couple in the Circle, this group of six who are charged with a mission to defeat a vampire queen and her army.

In this book we learn about Blair, a demon hunter from Boston, and Larkin, a shapeshifting nobleman from another world called Gael, which is a kind of alternate version of Ireland, if they never left the Middle Ages. All the characters are wonderful but this pair I love the best. I was a big Buffy fan when I was a teenager so the fact that Blair was a demon hunter struck my interest.

I fell in love with Larkin. He is described as tall, muscular with tawny eyes and hair. And he's so charming and flirty. In the audio book, the reader gives him an adorable Irish accent.

I don't want to give any spoilers away because I think you should read this whole series. And you have to read all three books. If you only read this one, you'll be lost and if you only read the first two you miss out on the epic conclusion. But, the adventure and danger level picks up for the Circle as they travel from Ireland to Gael through a magic portal. Then, they have to start making preparations for the big battle to take place in book three. The relationships between the members of the Circle grow and change and things heat up between Blair and Larkin.

What I love about Nora Roberts is how she tells a story and works in the romance. Not like some books I've read which is all sex with a smidgen of story just so it can be sold in regular stores and not a porn shop. She portrays those scenes so beautifully it just takes your breath away but they don't take away from the story.

That being said, this book is not for children. It is also highly violent and the vampires are not like in Twilight. They don't sparkle (thank God) and they are actually scary. Lilith, the Queen of the Vampires is crazy and terrifying. Woman's got some issues.

But I really enjoyed this book. I can't say enough good things about it but if I keep going, I might spoil something. So I'll just leave it at that and let you draw your own opinion after reading it.

Have any of you read this trilogy? If so, what was your favorite book? Let me know, and no spoilers, please. For those yet to read it.

Thank you so much for reading this. I'm having so much fun with this challenge. For my YouTube followers, an update. I should be getting a new cord for my computer soon so videos will return. I just have to pay off a few bills first. You know, all that responsible grownup stuff.

Until then, I will keep putting up blog posts. Tomorrow is "Bullet Your Day." That should be easy. Wednesday is "Things You Want to Say to an Ex." Yeep! If I had to reign in the emotion for yesterday, I'm really going to have to keep in check with this one.

Have a great night!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge Day 2

"Something I Feel Strongly About"

Hi everyone!
This took a lot of thought because the topic I want to discuss today is very close to the heart for me and I really had to try and reign in my emotions in order to have a coherent entry.

I feel very strongly about bullying. Anti-bullying awareness and policies for prevention. Also, letting victims know that they don't have to put up with it. Stand up or yourself. Don't believe what people say because you know in your heart that what they say isn't true.

Let's face it. People are brutal. Kids and adults alike. In my experience, I've both witnessed and been on the receiving end of bullying/harassment/discrimination/whatever title you want to use for this. In school, since about the sixth grade, through to the present day in my current work environment.

I've been called "Fat," "cow," "ugly," "dumb ass," "worthless." I've had glue put in my hair. I've been humiliated by students, teachers, customers, and coworkers. I've had a friend get beaten up for being associated with me. I've had students spread rumors about me and my best friend. Another friend I've known forever was insulted by his own family because he came out when he was 16.

But the point of this is not to tell a sob story. The point is I've been there. And, I've gotten through. And I will continue to do so. A big reason people bully is to make themselves feel superior. And it can be for the most petty reasons, like wearing the latest big brand of shoes while you have had the same pair for three years, even though they are perfectly fine and comfortable. Some people just want to cause drama in inappropriate situations. It hurts. It's not easy. There will be days you just want to hide away and cry. But you can't let someone's petty words have power over you. And never stand by while there is physical abuse going on, either.

It helps to have a support group backing you. I have always been blessed with a wonderful family. We'd bend over backwards for each other in a heartbeat. (Most of us, anyway. But, nobody's perfect.) I've had friends that have defended me and encouraged me to go on when I was at my lowest. When I was a teen, my dream was to be an actress. So one of my friends would always tell me that someday my name will be up in lights and everyone who ever teased me would be sorry. These are friendships that not even 2500 miles of separation can diminish. Coworkers (and a boss or two) have come to my defense with a problem I've had with a customer or another coworker. Teachers who were the sole reason I could get up in the morning because they were willing to help me. (Mrs. Good, my 6th grade math teacher, I hope you see this someday. That was meant for you, especially.)

Sometimes, though, there will be situations where you can't rely on anyone else but yourself. Then, you have to defend yourself. I don't mean start a knock-down, drag-out brawl. No, that just leads to more trouble. But, don't let the person mistreating you know they get to you, if possible. And, if they do, speak out! Find a way to tell them you don't like the way you're being treated. If possible, find a way to separate yourself from the person completely. Change classes. Request a different work shift.

I had an incident at work I will share. Without naming names, of course, because I probably have coworkers reading this. Let's call this person "Miss S." She works with me. We have NEVER been on good terms. I have no idea why. I try to follow a drama-free, put up with everyone policy. Anyway, one particular day we knocked heads bad. I did something she felt was wrong and snapped at me. I said nothing. Just went about my business and tried to finish my day. She must have thought I said something under my breath and started getting on my case. I told her to back off. But, she started running her mouth (loud enough for me to hear every word) to another coworker I happen to be friends with. I. Lost. It!

Now, let me be clear. I am usually a quiet, calm, relatively patient person. But one thing about quiet people is we're like volcanoes. All the stress and emotion builds and builds until *BOOM* we snap! That was me.

So, I told Miss S. that I didn't say anything to her and to back off once more. Also, she had no right to talk about me within earshot and in front of customers. It was unprofessional and childish. She was a grown woman, not a girl in junior high. She walked away. I thought she was going to walk over and hit me. But, she stepped into a side hall and ran her mouth to someone else where I couldn't hear.

I finished my shift, ran to my car, and screamed and swore my head off for about 10 minutes before I was levelheaded enough to drive home. But, because I finally stood up to her after enduring years of grief and verbal abuse, I haven't had a problem since. We seem to have adopted an unspoken "I ignore you. You ignore me. We have no problem" type of rule. It's been over a month now.

Does that mean we'll never again have an incident? Likely not. But, now she knows I won't stand for her crap anymore.

The round about moral is words only have power if you let them. You are you. There is no other like you. Even identical twins have their differences. In your own way, you are special and beautiful. Cliche`? Maybe. But it's true.

This is for any younger readers especially. From your preteens on, it's not easy. Your body is still growing and developing in to the woman or man you will be for the rest of your life. One day you feel like a million bucks. Next you don't want to get out of bed. People will try to tell you how to look, how to dress, how to act to fit a particular mold that society has created. "Every girl wants to be like the Kardashians!" Uhm... have you seen how crazy and miserable those girls are? I wouldn't want three of their fortunes to fill their shoes. (They probably wear smaller than a 13 anyway, lol) "Every boy wants to be like... Kyle Busch?" (All names failed me except that one because the race was on today) He is a creep and he plays dirty when he doesn't get what he wants. You'll fall in love. And, unless you're one of the few fortunate souls who find The One on the first time 'round, you'll have your heart broken at least once. You'll have a choice between staying true to yourself and surrendering your values. Anyone who really loves you will accept you for who you are and what you believe. You'll lose and gain friends throughout your whole life. And only those select special few will stick by you no matter what. But it is possible to make it through.

Life isn't all tears and misery. I firmly believe that God doesn't give us more than He thinks we can handle. We may not see it that way all the time but He knows us best because He made us. And, those bad days make the good ones that much more beautiful and special and you learn to appreciate the blessings in your life.

I know complete strangers, as well as friends, read this. If I have helped in any way, I have accomplished my mission of this rambling entry. If you know someone is or suspect they're going through a problem with bullying/harassment, reach out to them. Sometimes people are too proud or embarrassed to say what's wrong. If you are the victim, speak up. There are plenty of organizations designed to help you. As well as people in your own life.

Far too many news stories have involved precious life being taken away, either through suicide or shootings/bombings/insert violent act here. But, it doesn't have to be. If we learn to accept and embrace differences, rather than destroy them our world will be so much better.

Have a great night and thanks for reading. Please leave comments on Facebook or below.

Tomorrow, "A Book I Love" for Day 3


Saturday, March 1, 2014

30 Day Writing Challenge- Day 1

March 1st is almost over and I wanted to do this challenge I found on Pinterest so here it goes. (Technically, it will be the 2nd by the time I finish writing this so it should work out)

Todays Prompt:
Five Ways to Win Your Heart

Now, my regular readers know I have a boyfriend but these are some of the thigs that the hopeless romantic in me just adores and could be used as a guide to all those well meaning but clueless guys.

1. "Good morning" or "Good night" texts. Something to show you wake up and end your day thinking about that special person in your life. I do this once in a while. It is so nice to wake up to a message like that, especially if your schedules don't allow you to see each other often.

2. It's the little things- This could be a continuation of number 1. The fancy dinners are nice but not everyone has the budget for a five star restaurant every week. So, the small gestures like leaving a rose on her windshield at work or slipping her a love note. Maybe make up a goofy poem or story. You don't have to like or be good at writing. The effort will mean the world.

3. Communicate! Now, this may not seem romantic but communication is key in a lasting relationship. I know I like to vent to my guy a lot. Between my health issues and job, I have quite a few things to vent about. And getting a sympathetic reply to boost my spirits helps a lot. I could have a bad day with customers or leave work in pain from my knee and getting something as simple as "It's almost Thursday. Just gotta get through a few more hours and you can relax" is enough to get me through.

4. PDA- to a point. My boyfriend were talking about high school days and a couple we knew and how they were inseparable. But they were decent about it. Some people think PDA means all out making out and causing a scene. Just something like holding hands when you're out walking somewhere. Or sneak a peck on the cheek just because.

5. Find a common interest- My guy and I have a few TV shows we both enjoy. We're talking about going biking this summer when I finally get a bike. If you both like history, take a road trip to a historical site like Gettysburg or Washington DC and play tourist. If money is tight, try a day trip. Example, a friend of mine and I drove from up to the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan for the day. It was about a 3 hour drive from Cleveland (going 90 on the highway which is not advisable but I was the passenger so had no say) and we saw almost the whole place which is a challenge because it's huge and we were exhausted when we got home. But it was fun and not too expensive. If you like music, check out a local band. Or go dancing or sing karaoke. You don't have to sound like a pop star or dance like a pro. That's half the fun.

So, that's it for day 1. These are some of the things I enjoy. What do you do for that special someone? Or what do they do for you that makes you smile? Or, what do you wish they'd do? Let me know on social media or in the comments. ( or

Tomorrow's topic: Something I Feel Stongly About. Hmm... this is going to take some prep to get my thoughts to make sense because the topic I have in mind tends to make me upset and I can't think.

Thanks for reading and hope to read your responses!
