Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September Writing Challenge- Day 9

Prompt- 5 things I would do if money were no object

Oh, I could have some fun with this. Having a minimum wage job and busting my bucket on a daily basis for less than enough, I have these dreams a lot. So, here is my list of things I would do if money were no object.

1) MOVE! As in, out of my parents' house! Yes, I still live with Mom and Dad. But, remember what I just said about minimum wage job? And, being off sick for over a month didn't exactly help my finances. Ideally, I'd like to move to another state. At least, temporarily. Just to have the experience. I have lived in Ohio my whole life. I'd live in or around DC but I would definitely need the cash for it and then some because the cost of living there is nearly triple what it is here. The Florida Keys are nice but... hurricanes. Don't think I could deal. If I could live anywhere, based only on my travels, it would have to be Oregon. When I visited there, I saw what a beautiful city it is. They people are so nice. There are tons of things to see and do. Only a two hour drive from Portland with even more exciting things to do and see and is one of the prettiest cities in the country. I could find all sorts of writing inspiration there. I'm sure my guy could find work in his field there, too. And, I'd be with that smiling adorable face in the photo above. Richard is one of my oldest and dearest friends and we wouldn't have to wait 6 years to see each other if I lived there!
I would be sad about missing my family but, we're talking money not being an object. So, I could either fly back to visit whenever or move them out west with me! Why not, right?

2) Have a huge library in my house. Yes, a library. I may even need a building separate from my house, but on the property, because I'm talking Beauty and the Beast style, multiple stories with rolling ladders, fireplace, and the lot. Then, I would not have to worry about space for my book collection. And, I'd even have a corner for my guy and his comic books. Ha! No, I'd have more than a corner for him because he has a LOT of comics. Some he's even gotten signed so I know he would want to keep those in good condition. And, I this could also double as my writing studio. I'd be surrounded by inspiration. Need an idea or my brain is burned out, just grab a book, read for an hour, and jump back into it. I'd also fill it with all kinds of fun seating. Couches, bean bag chairs, just piles of big, fluffy pillows. The ideas are endless for this one.

3) Travel. Look at that picture of Mallory Square in Key West and tell me that isn't gorgeous! I dare you! And that is just one place in one state in one country. There's so much in my own country that I have yet to see. I can only imagine what other treasures the world holds. Seeing it on TV is COMPLETELY different than experiencing it first hand. The few places I have had the pleasure to travel to is only a teeny tiny sample of what else is beyond the borders of my little hometown. When I get excited about traveling an hour or two away to visit a friend or to go to Comic Con, you know I've been cooped up here too long.

4) Help my family out. My parents want to fix up the house. My sister has student loans. My one amazing aunt needs a vacation. If I had the financial means, I'd take care of all these things for my family. They do so much for me. How can I not? My family does so much for me and supports me through everything I've ever wanted to do. They've stood by me and held my hand when I was scared and sick in the hospital. They have been my biggest cheerleaders when it comes to my writing. I've always said if I had the means I would help them out in any way I could. I would also host a big, destination family reunion. There are some relatives we only get to see a couple times a year, maybe. And, every time, we say "We need to get together more" or "We need to keep in touch better" but it never happens.

5) Find a cure for rheumatoid arthritis. This is definitely on my list of priorities. Having dealt with this awful condition for nearly 6 years and knowing so many people who are also in the fight themselves (I'm on several support groups on Facebook) I know the pain and frustration that comes along with it. Not being able to really enjoy yourself because you know the next day you'll be sore and paying for it. And, the fact that people younger than me are dealing with it. Children, even! And, I get discouraged at 30 not feeling my age. A poor little kid feeling like I do? I can't even imagine. I think when I establish my writing career more and have the means, I'll set up my own foundation for research funding. If I can't do that, I'll definitely donate to already existing ones.

So, that's my top 5. No particular order. What would you do if money were no object?


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