Thursday, September 11, 2014

September Writing Challenge- Day 11

Prompt- What was this day in 2001 like for you?

When I was planning these prompts, I came across this one worded slightly differently and I debated it for today. I thought, 9/11, of course. But, would it be cliche? Because a lot of people are probably writing about this day and how it changed their lives. But, then I thought, that's sad that I would even consider it being cliche. Because it's not. It's a day that we should continue to remember, like Pearl Harbor or Oklahoma City. Because, while it is a tragedy, it impacted the world in so many ways and, maybe for a brief moment, brought people together under a cause.

Over the years, some of the details have faded in my memory but I know where I was and what I was doing on that horrible day. I was a senior in high school. I left my first class to set up banners from the day before. The 9th grade retreat was that Monday and there were banners and crafts the freshmen class had created so some of the retreat team were displaying them in the cafeteria for the rest of the school to see. When I returned to my class to get my books, they were airing when the President was informed at the school in Florida. I didn't know what was going on until I got to my second class, which was Web Design. My teacher filled me in and had the news on, as long as we promised to try and get our work done.

And, that was when we saw the second tower get hit and then they both fell. It was the most frightening thing I had ever seen in my 17 years of life. I remembered reading a story about a clothing factory in New York that caught fire in the early years of the last century and how the girls trapped inside were leaping from the window because the elevator didn't work. Everyone above where the planes hit, they had no way out and some did jump. And, the people who were still making their way down when the towers fell.  My next thought was, "Oh, dear God, be with all those people trapped inside and now dying!" I couldn't focus on my work. I was fixated to the screen. I prayed harder than I ever prayed in my life. I was scared for all those people. I was scared about what would happen next. When we heard about the Pentagon, I was worried about where something would happen next. And, later that day to find the plane that crashed in PA was in Cleveland!

The day passed by in a blur. My remaining third class, choir, we couldn't watch anything. But, my final class, we watched the news. When the bell rang at 2:30, I went to catch my bus but my mom was there to get me. We picked up my sister and went home. After dinner, we watched the news while doing homework and then we all curled up on the couch together like when we were little. I think I remember my sister asking why this happened and the only explanation my parents could give was that there are some evil people in the world who don't want the rest of us to be happy. They want people to be scared. Makes them feel powerful. It was as good an explanation as any to a 17 and 12 year old, I guess.

But, then, when Congress gathered on the steps of the Capitol and sang God Bless America... together, forgetting differences in party and opinion, I remembered that good exists and what we need to work on doing is make sure the good always outweighs the evil.

I know that can be hard when there are organizations of hate like ISIS in the Mid East and the Klan here. When children are committing suicide for being gay or an autistic boy is having human waste dumped on him in a sadistic prank when he thought he was doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. When football athletes, who are viewed as role models for young boys, beat their spouses. Certain organizations who are supposed to follow Christian teachings protest funerals of soldiers and say they are going to hell because they fought for their country. Stories like that seem to flood our headlines and it makes the world into a frightening place to be. I've often caught myself saying, I don't think I want to bring children into a world like this. But, then I see the joy in my best friend's toddler when he's playing with my boyfriend on our occasional visits. I get a hug from a little girl who sees me every day in the store. I see organizations like NOH8, the No Body Shame Campaign, and Eliminate Prejudice all fighting for equality and against bullying based on gender, orientation, body type, race, and religion/beliefs. If only those positive things received more press than the negative.

If we could focus on the good, it would not eliminate the bad but it maybe it would help future generations see there are better ways to spend their time and better causes to fight for.

Thanks for reading.

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